You should be very happy to be employed. over the past 5 years over 500,000 pharmaceutical reps and first line managers have been displaced, with out ever re-entering this wonderful industry. I work in the recruiting industry. For every job I post, hundreds of very qualified candidates apply.
This includes consistent top performers that are about to loose everything they ever worked for ie home, cars, bankruptcy, etc. These are good people. They spend hours every daay searching for jobs. Recruitment organizations have software that scans your cover letter and resume. If these are not and exact match word for your of the criteria, your resume and applications is stored in the "Cloud" never to be seen again. We have 8-12% reported unemployment in the US. There is at least another estimated 20% that have had their unemployment benefits expired or are working a $11.00 hour job part time.
Be happy that you have a job, thousands will line up to take it away from you. These folks will have a great attitude, and a strong desire to reach the top of their team. Today everyone has to work harder.....this is true in all industries. Be thankful you have a job.