Why Work Doesn't Happen at Work

Merck for years has had a subversive system whereby certain parasites hang around and hang around in places where things are likely to happen so that they can be able to take credit for others' work. And these parasites have been rewarded with career advancements. Instead of a having a system where strong and capable individuals are treated like adults and empowered to get things done in a reasonable way (Merck used to have such a system), what we have today is a system that features inclusion. Well from my perspective inclusion seems to mean mass meetings and teleconferences and pretending that you need more people than you really do - anything but getting work done. Basically this is just a formalized method for those parasites (they are now the management) to acquire systematically and formally information they need to take credit for others' work. So instead of being annoying pilfering slimeballs informally steaaling credit they don't deserve, they are powerful "organizational leaders". And there seems to be no real means to determine who can cut it and who cannot - so ass-kissing becomes the means for retention rather by capability and accomplishment.