Why were policy folks let go today?

It really is falling apart. The leadership is lost after a decade of cronyism and “yes men” telling the CEO whatever he wants to hear.

Cutting position like policy and nurse educators while allowing useless positions like kams to remain. No wonder our stock continues to sink. Really bad decisions.

What we need is a leadership enema, a complete flushing out as we are being led by mediocrity. Every national town hall is the same dog and pony show of how great the company is doing and how bright the future is. Putting these waste of time town halls on mute is the only to get through them. Until the senior leadership is changed, we are a rudderless ship a drift.

What we need is a leadership enema, a complete flushing out as we are being led by mediocrity. Every national town hall is the same dog and pony show of how great the company is doing and how bright the future is. Putting these waste of time town halls on mute is the only to get through them. Until the senior leadership is changed, we are a rudderless ship a drift.

That's not going to happen. It's Rich's show. He picked the team, the board, and he hand-selected JR who then brought in his peeps. Sarissa tried to drive change and failed. Stick around or not, but don't expect change.