Why waste my time


Why does regeneron waste people's time by IV'ing them when there are internal candidates (yes I knew about the internal candidates) they know they are going to hire anyways and then give some BS answer on why they passed you over? Completely unprofessional.

Why does regeneron waste people's time by IV'ing them when there are internal candidates (yes I knew about the internal candidates) they know they are going to hire anyways and then give some BS answer on why they passed you over? Completely unprofessional.

Because that is how Len rolls..... Use outsiders for all of the info they can get and then say thanks but no thanks.

Because that is how Len rolls..... Use outsiders for all of the info they can get and then say thanks but no thanks.

You are spot on with your assessment. Managers grill competitive reps during the interview process to gather much intel as possible, get them distracted so their performance lags a little, and drag the process out as long as possible without giving an offer. Internal candidates get first dibs here. Good luck to externals but a lot of the Rheum spots being filled by internal candidates.

i interviewed week ago for rheum & haven't gotten an answer. Never again!!

Lol never again?? If you interviewed then you know they have another week of interviews to go- how can they make a decision on who's the best candidate when they haven't even finished interviewing? How would that be fair to the candidates still scheduled for next week?

Lol never again?? If you interviewed then you know they have another week of interviews to go- how can they make a decision on who's the best candidate when they haven't even finished interviewing? How would that be fair to the candidates still scheduled for next week?
Interviews are over...... And they haven't been waiting to extend offers.

I can't wait to see this board in a year.
We can't get no Rheumatology business.
I don't get no help from anybody.
Dermatology don't like the IL-6 risk profile.
Why are 50% of the reps already gone?
I hate this company.

Hahaha. You are going to be in for a brutal bend-over. Leadership are complete dick tools.

So my new Eyelea rep came in today and I decided to look her up on LinkedIn, she spelled Ophthalmology wrong on her profile. She wants to talk to me about Eylea and spelled it Opthamology?