Why was Adlarity put on hold? It's the reason why Corium was acquired in the first place. Why lay people off if you'll need to resume the project in 6-8 months anyway?
Why was Adlarity put on hold? It's the reason why Corium was acquired in the first place. Why lay people off if you'll need to resume the project in 6-8 months anyway?
Honey, this company will not be around in 6-8 months.
Why do you say the company won’t be around, Azstarys is doing relatively good.Honey, this company will not be around in 6-8 months.
Why do you say the company won’t be around, Azstarys is doing relatively good.
Why do you say it was “put on hold”
Do you expect it to return?
Why was Adlarity put on hold? It's the reason why Corium was acquired in the first place. Why lay people off if you'll need to resume the project in 6-8 months anyway?
Why do you say it was “put on hold”
Do you expect it to return?
We were told in GR it was on hold for 8-10 months, and that a bunch of people were laid off because of it, including ones that predated donepezil by a decade and worked on all products equally... If Adlarity is done, how does corium have enough work to even keep the doors open? Especially GR...
it doesn’t dumbass