Why the passion for sharing lunches?


I just don't get it. Why not go do your own lunch?

Let's say we have 4 reps that all have responsibility for Enbrel to varying degrees and in varying IC weights. Which makes more sense:

Scenario A) 2 reps who can't get in normally attend lunch with 1 who can. The forth does their own lunch. So we actually call on 2 docs even though the 2 duds are going to enter flawless calls and send out some success stories, or

Scenario B) 3 reps who don't have lunch don't go hustle on their own but rather join 4th on lunch and all enter calls. We actually call on 1 doc.

or, wait for it....

Scenario C). all 4 reps go bust their respective asses and get their own lunches. We actually call on 4 docs. 4 Shots on Goal. 4 chances to arrest our volume decline.

Even if the 3 other reps don't have lunches, then go to a F'ing VA, or CBOC or hospital, or specialty pharmacy or any clinic and try to sell Enbrel, but fore F sake don't try to make me feel guilty about wanting some peace at my own lunch so I can try to sell.

Do you understand this doesn't work. Sure it makes for a good "success story" around collaboration/teamwork/cross functional leadership on any one of 5 weekly teleconferences but it doesn't extend our reach, it doesn't sell more Enbrel and it doesn't build relationships. In fact it poisons them because offices come to know us as, "the lunch where 4 lollipop heads will be there smiling and chirping" trying to sell me on TEMPO a decade later.

I know I am relatively new, but why can't we adopt the Otezla ways instead - just go make a bunch of calls. I kinda wish I could transfer over there.


The DM encourages this type of behavior because it shows one of the core values at Amgen...collaboration or teamwork. They don’t understand the if you take more shots on goal (as you say) you have more chances to score (or get scripts written). It is a simple concept but most DMs are too stupid understand the business side of selling. They are typically the sales rep who was the ass kisser and not the rock star.

I just don't get it. Why not go do your own lunch?

Let's say we have 4 reps that all have responsibility for Enbrel to varying degrees and in varying IC weights. Which makes more sense:

Scenario A) 2 reps who can't get in normally attend lunch with 1 who can. The forth does their own lunch. So we actually call on 2 docs even though the 2 duds are going to enter flawless calls and send out some success stories, or

Scenario B) 3 reps who don't have lunch don't go hustle on their own but rather join 4th on lunch and all enter calls. We actually call on 1 doc.

or, wait for it....

Scenario C). all 4 reps go bust their respective asses and get their own lunches. We actually call on 4 docs. 4 Shots on Goal. 4 chances to arrest our volume decline.

Even if the 3 other reps don't have lunches, then go to a F'ing VA, or CBOC or hospital, or specialty pharmacy or any clinic and try to sell Enbrel, but fore F sake don't try to make me feel guilty about wanting some peace at my own lunch so I can try to sell.

Do you understand this doesn't work. Sure it makes for a good "success story" around collaboration/teamwork/cross functional leadership on any one of 5 weekly teleconferences but it doesn't extend our reach, it doesn't sell more Enbrel and it doesn't build relationships. In fact it poisons them because offices come to know us as, "the lunch where 4 lollipop heads will be there smiling and chirping" trying to sell me on TEMPO a decade later.

I know I am relatively new, but why can't we adopt the Otezla ways instead - just go make a bunch of calls. I kinda wish I could transfer over there.
Who in the hell are doing that many freaking lunches these days???? Nowhere in my territory. You're very lucky but in the NC it's hard to find anywhere that'll even do virtual lunches. Lucky for you that you even have this problem. PS) If Amgen wasn't so obsessed with METRICS then maybe people 4 people wouldn't feel like they had to do lunches.

I just don't get it. Why not go do your own lunch?

Let's say we have 4 reps that all have responsibility for Enbrel to varying degrees and in varying IC weights. Which makes more sense:

Scenario A) 2 reps who can't get in normally attend lunch with 1 who can. The forth does their own lunch. So we actually call on 2 docs even though the 2 duds are going to enter flawless calls and send out some success stories, or

Scenario B) 3 reps who don't have lunch don't go hustle on their own but rather join 4th on lunch and all enter calls. We actually call on 1 doc.

or, wait for it....

Scenario C). all 4 reps go bust their respective asses and get their own lunches. We actually call on 4 docs. 4 Shots on Goal. 4 chances to arrest our volume decline.

Even if the 3 other reps don't have lunches, then go to a F'ing VA, or CBOC or hospital, or specialty pharmacy or any clinic and try to sell Enbrel, but fore F sake don't try to make me feel guilty about wanting some peace at my own lunch so I can try to sell.

Do you understand this doesn't work. Sure it makes for a good "success story" around collaboration/teamwork/cross functional leadership on any one of 5 weekly teleconferences but it doesn't extend our reach, it doesn't sell more Enbrel and it doesn't build relationships. In fact it poisons them because offices come to know us as, "the lunch where 4 lollipop heads will be there smiling and chirping" trying to sell me on TEMPO a decade later.

I know I am relatively new, but why can't we adopt the Otezla ways instead - just go make a bunch of calls. I kinda wish I could transfer over there.


Who in the hell are doing that many freaking lunches these days???? Nowhere in my territory. You're very lucky but in the NC it's hard to find anywhere that'll even do virtual lunches. Lucky for you that you even have this problem. PS) If Amgen wasn't so obsessed with METRICS then maybe people 4 people wouldn't feel like they had to do lunches.


I can hardly get virtual lunches as much as I try. It's all about the metrics! Amgen acts as if there is not even a pandemic anymore! There is! Offices do not want us in and most do not want virtual lunches!


I can hardly get virtual lunches as much as I try. It's all about the metrics! Amgen acts as if there is not even a pandemic anymore! There is! Offices do not want us in and most do not want virtual lunches!

And now the pressure starts when corporate is giving the managers the go ahead to do field rides. Not a chance! Some brown nosing manager is going to create some tracker of how many field rides he/she was able to do. Pure attempt a trying to justify their job. In turn that will make other mangers feel the need to pressure their reps who themselves aren’t able to get back in. Offices will close permanently. They bring no value to the table especially during these times. NO MANAGERS until a vaccine and offices say it’s ok.

I agree with the OP. Why do Amgen reps love to do joint sales calls and joint lunches?!

Now that we’re co-promoting Enbrel/Otezla, the enbrel reps keep bugging the derm reps on my team to join them for calls and lunches. GO DO YOUR OWN WORK AND BUILD YOUR OWN RELATIONSHIPS!

Enbrel reps- stop trying to piggy-back off the Otezla reps. We don’t want to be affiliated with you out of touch, mundane Enbrel reps.

And now the pressure starts when corporate is giving the managers the go ahead to do field rides. Not a chance! Some brown nosing manager is going to create some tracker of how many field rides he/she was able to do. Pure attempt a trying to justify their job. In turn that will make other mangers feel the need to pressure their reps who themselves aren’t able to get back in. Offices will close permanently. They bring no value to the table especially during these times. NO MANAGERS until a vaccine and offices say it’s ok.

So true. And, for the most part, it will be the female managers that will do this! This is so not cool. Regereron and so many other companies have not had their reps back in the field in 8 months. They have care and concern about their employees and the customers. My manager wanted an intense virtual field ride last week and I'm sure the face to face field ride will be even more intense. It's not right. WE are in a pandemic. Amgen needs to leave us alone to do the right thing!

Man, are you guys making this harder than it should be. Find 10 offices, high writers if you can. Go to each office and explain to them the situation, and you will consistently have a lunch sent IF they will cover your back if necessary. Tell them the logistics and run a lunch in the office. Work out any kinks. I have 12 offices that I am doing this with, and they all are playing along! I hope to add 3 more soon. I HAVE TAKEN LYING AND PLAYING THE GAME TO A NEW LEVEL, AND YOU CAN TOO!!

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