Why the hhc mission is a flawed philosophy


Being patient centric is a very good philosophy for a healthcare company. What Eisai and the hhc mission misses is that if you don’t take care of your own employees first, making them feel respected, valued, and secure, there is no way your employees will carry out the hhc mission.

Naito misses the point when he says “take care of the patients and Eisai will be successful”. Incorrect sir! Take care of your employees FIRST, and then they will live your hhc mission and take care of the patients. You can’t have the latter without having your employees buying in. Eisai is not a foundation and I am not a volunteer. Take care of me and I will be patient centric. Don’t take care of me and I will do just enough not to get fired, while I’m looking for a new job. The loss in productivity at this company over the last four years, due by abysmal leadership, is easily in the millions...not to mention turnover.

Couldn’t agree more. My wife is a nurse and when they are not being treated right they go on strike. These are people who actually care for patients, not some suit selling drugs!!! Who has more of an hhc philosophy than nurses? Yet when they are not treated right they will strike. Rule #1 take care of your people first and they will take care of the customer. Why this is lost on Naito and Eisai is beyond me…and no it is not a Japanese business philosophy. I’ve worked for two other Japanese companies in my life and both treated their employees with the utmost respect and dignity.

What kind of hogwash is hhc anyway?? We do NOT actually do ANYTHING for the PATIENTS!!Most patients in the waiting room complain about the high cost of our drugs. It is not like they are thanking me for being there. We leave samples, period...
If the leadership does not live the co values/mission- how can they expect the sheeple to??

What kind of hogwash is hhc anyway?? We do NOT actually do ANYTHING for the PATIENTS!!Most patients in the waiting room complain about the high cost of our drugs. It is not like they are thanking me for being there. We leave samples, period...
If the leadership does not live the co values/mission- how can they expect the sheeple to??

I know I always hate when “we” (sales and marketing) act like we have such a huge impact on the patients! If we really had that huge of an impact on patients and we are really patient centric than they should just pay us a salary in line with what our W2 would look like with base and bonus and let us truly go out and not market to, but rather support patients and HCP’s in a selfless manner. It is all BS and Eisai’s hhc mission is a freaking joke. One on hand let’s be about the patients, on the other hand you better hit your number…like I know what’s best for the patient versus their doctor!!!

HHC is total bullshit. It's whatever LC or Japan want it to be at that moment in time. It can be used as a weapon, it can be used as a crutch, it can be used to hide bad decisions in retrospect. Eisai has done little more than other pharma or biotech companies in terms of good citizenship. If it makes you feel better to hide behind HHC, then fine.

HHC is total bullshit. It's whatever LC or Japan want it to be at that moment in time. It can be used as a weapon, it can be used as a crutch, it can be used to hide bad decisions in retrospect. Eisai has done little more than other pharma or biotech companies in terms of good citizenship. If it makes you feel better to hide behind HHC, then fine.

When Eisai was making money then yes, people hid behind an HHC mission statement. When profits are down, HHC means nothing (not that it every really meant anything) and nobody can hide.

When Eisai was making money then yes, people hid behind an HHC mission statement. When profits are down, HHC means nothing (not that it every really meant anything) and nobody can hide.

It is unfortunate that leadership does not really seem to demonstrate a belief in HHC. It truly would allow us to become partners with our accounts. I would agree with prior posts. I have only been here two years and the only time I hear HHC is when I am being manipulated. I have forwarded several HHC initiatives with no feedback. I shared some very personal stories in my emails because I believed that the people that were promoting HHC really cared. What a betrayal to not even get a response on the proposals. I guess my proposals were too focused on the patient and didn't provide an opportunity to guilt people into selling.

It is unfortunate that leadership does not really seem to demonstrate a belief in HHC. It truly would allow us to become partners with our accounts. I would agree with prior posts. I have only been here two years and the only time I hear HHC is when I am being manipulated. I have forwarded several HHC initiatives with no feedback. I shared some very personal stories in my emails because I believed that the people that were promoting HHC really cared. What a betrayal to not even get a response on the proposals. I guess my proposals were too focused on the patient and didn't provide an opportunity to guilt people into selling.

Listen, hit your sales goal and you're following HHC. Miss your goal and you are NOT following HHC. There, now you know what HHC is.

hhc is basically political rhetoric. Throughout history many "nations" maintained control by defining a culture through political rhetoric. Eisai is no different.

LC drives an $80K Eisai free car. It's hhc.