The whole talk here on Aerosurf is nothing but futuristic under the current circumstances. This company needs a fundamental reorganization to get rid completely of the self serving, chronically inept management that brought this company down by misleading investors for 20 years, spending a mind boggling sum of more than $500 million to "develop" an unsaleable product while getting personally dirty rich. One can't help but thinking that the whole ordeal was carefully crafted to fail only that the endless "stories" would allow to trick the investors into false expectations and perpetual dilution. I bet the management was much upset that FDA finally approved the drag so they pulled all possible tricks imaginable for 3 more years to postpone the marketing. Finally the moment of truth has come and it's all but obvious - The King is naked. Spending $19 million building marketing organization seems nothing but a deliberate failure, simply one can't believe they are so stupid and stubborn to make horrendous mistakes by shear miscalculation. The saddest thing is - the management here is irreplaceable, BOD is hand picked and grossly dysfunctional, no independent director can possibly be nominated without the prior management consent. So there is not a chance any further financing will be raised to continue developing Aerosurf unless a MAJOR shake up takes place. It looks like the only option remaining is for Deerfield to recall the loan on breach of covenants, take possession of the remnants and try to re-IPO under a new management. That is of course if Aerosurf is in fact a viable product but hearing for years so many lies from Cooper and Co. one can't be sure about anything. It looks increasingly obvious that partnering with somebody on anything is a fantasy dream that the Co. has been feeding the investors for more that 10 years. It's always been close, really in advanced stages, pending, in short order and very serious, close but no cigar! Must be that anyone who gets close to understanding what a disaster this company is just runs away. One thing remains a mystery how could institutional investors accumulate more than 60% of the outstanding shares and never raise a question - WTF is going on here and let this horror to go on for 20 years! ?