Why the BYE 2 Safia


Not around long enough to get her name plate on the door . Weird ever changing goals on Rx side , stressed out directors , no one in marketing dept . Was it the coach or did the coach get fired because of the players ?


another rat jumps off of a sinking ship. What the hell does that tell you that everyone who does come here leaves as quickly as they can. FF really did a number on this place and it now is confirmed that it is not fixable. I am losing count how much change is happening in our so called leadership group.

They do not like the unrealistic goals either and as we all know good people always have options in this business. So they leave - simple as that. Nobody needs the silly unrealistic goals at any level and when DFW is hotter than Mumbai - time to hit the road. Not to mention nothing in the pipeline so when we do launch another me too product they have to take it out of everyone's hides. Finally, she was completely out of place both on the stage and on those painful to watch videos that are sent out to the field.

For those of us in management roles just look at the recent crop of so called future sales managers put through PCI . Yikes people , milk toast , no people leadership skills and corporate butt kisses . This years group might be even worse . What does that tell you ? Weak leaders pick weaker leaders . The so called future managers aren't even leaders or respected in their districts !

The issue at it's root here , is and has been , a lack in real gutsy leadership coupled with ( in Safias case ) poor leadership selection . I mean really is ANYONE following Sellen , George, Curley , Dan or Mike up the beach at D Day ? Innovative thinking scares them , those who do something outside the box are deemed rogue or unconventional , REALLY ? When has anything worthwhile been accomplished by not leaving the dam herd .

If you went to a College with a good behavioral science , business or marketing program you might have heard of " collective conservatism " which is spotted easily at DFW with the mentioned above . It is :

The tendency of groups to stick to established patterns even as new needs arise . The problem here is pluralistic ignorance , that is , ignorance on the part of all or most about what the sales force thinks ! Easier to them to remain safe , focus on the message , organize the next POA or look at metrics , send on a success story email chain for God sake .

If you have real talent I suggest you follow Leborn to South Beach , because unless this group goes we are all in trouble here . Clearly Safia was not a good hire / fit . Ford will be much better , but does he have the Will to separate the lambs from the lions ?

Ford? you clearly have very little history here. Ask anyone who was here during the Differin .3 - Epiduo launch days. BF is nothing more than a talking head. I do agree with your post about weak leaders pick weak leaders. BF is one of the top corporate ass kissers in the industry without any real accomplishment. Did very little as a rep very little as DM and he and porto did very little and no real accomplishments running the acne group several years back. All he has done is followed AD around the globe and put up power point slides. It will not get better it just got worse. But the guy can sure talk - however listen carefully he does not really say much.

Not around long enough to get her name plate on the door . Weird ever changing goals on Rx side , stressed out directors , no one in marketing dept . Was it the coach or did the coach get fired because of the players ?

it looks like she is out on the street based on her linked in profile or she realized that this thing is so messed up that she packed up her stuff and simply went back to Boston. Either way the fact that the leadership of the Rx group has been so ridiculously unstable the last 3 years or so really is a cause for concern. Maybe time to get moving on as well too. I talked to people about BF and it looks like he is a real empty suit at best.

Ford? you clearly have very little history here. Ask anyone who was here during the Differin .3 - Epiduo launch days. BF is nothing more than a talking head. I do agree with your post about weak leaders pick weak leaders. BF is one of the top corporate ass kissers in the industry without any real accomplishment. Did very little as a rep very little as DM and he and porto did very little and no real accomplishments running the acne group several years back. All he has done is followed AD around the globe and put up power point slides. It will not get better it just got worse. But the guy can sure talk - however listen carefully he does not really say much.

That's why SR has been cleaning and building his leadership team. Let's see how BF fits to our new LT and TZ's approach...

I love the comments about SR constantly cleaning out and putting in his new leadership team. She was the newest head of RX unit which has now changed three times in the last 3 or so years. She just started last year. Lets stop the PR - BS.
BF is part of the old guard and simply followed AD around the globe. Very limited if any real success as a rep, DM, Regional, Marketer, And was the back up guy on Acne not lead Marketing guy- Never won Inner Circle at any of those positions. Also, then right hand stooge to AP on the acne team as a National and that was a bit of a disaster for us on the acne team. Then he Goes to corporate marketing with power point slides to show the little affiliates how to launch products like we did in the US market place - HA HA. Now coming back to be the third person in three years to lead the RX team. One thing our European leadership continues to miss. The Business has changed and Managed Care could care less about our me too Rx offerings that are no better then most of the generics available. His former experience and his lack of knowledge of the payer groups will just be another debacle for the Rx team. But he will do a lot of talking from the stage and on video. However, he wont have any real answers and or solutions and probably the biggest rear end kisser we have had to date. So HA will keep him around for two years or so. it is not going to get better. I had my hopes on our recent gal and it shows that our leadership continues to throw things on the wall in hopes of something sticking.

We need some real leadership and some real answers - it is more than a concern to us that virtually every year we have someone new at the helm of the BU. Tells me something is up or our SR Leadership really is struggling attracting and retaining the right people to run these things.

We need some real leadership and some real answers - it is more than a concern to us that virtually every year we have someone new at the helm of the BU. Tells me something is up or our SR Leadership really is struggling attracting and retaining the right people to run these things.

Don't forget that GBU function is new to us as well as matrix organization. Most of the LT members were appointed due to 'being around of' or 'visible to' AD or HA. That' s why we have been seen those changes/replacements recently.

I would say for the US market place one would have to take a step back and question the concept of a GBU or BU for the US market place. That is a reasonable question to question why the massive turnover at the Leadership level & other levels as well in the US. One, either things are really messed up and not fixable. Or two, the leadership puts in people in who do not have the answers or ability to properly fix the Rx model in the US market place. One other question, - why are the people who were either forced out of the company or moved on are thriving in other organizations? Your ability to properly assess talent either that was currently on board or considering coming on board is again in question. We seemed to be doing much better in former years 2003 - 2012. Now we have been in a flat to declining trajectory even with new launch products in the past three years. We claim to be a top Derm company but in fact we are declining and now in 6th place as measured by IMS sales in the US derm market place. You have to include the Bio tech companies and even if you don't we are well behind Valiant.

In a net version :

Sales force mostly above average
Sales management ditto
Middle management way below average

That folks is the elephant in the company . Recent management hires across all divisions , including the one first listed here add to the rudderless direction . Senior management needs a serious discovery of what these people do , from where I sit , endless meetings that arrive at nothing new . Sales meetings that " been to one , been to all " . The " Innovation " word is worse that using the the C word N word and F word all in one sentence . Good guys & gals short on ideas or will to execute . Spend time with middle managers here and you will be yawning yourself to sleep pronto .

It's a strong message broadcast on thread after thread here . The people need a vision to thrive and ideas can't die in endless meetings .

Not around long enough to get her name plate on the door . Weird ever changing goals on Rx side , stressed out directors , no one in marketing dept . Was it the coach or did the coach get fired because of the players ?

I've seen a couple of really good hires across BUs and some very questionable ones . AC division not without bad hires either in middle management recently .

The issue is a bad hire or poor fit is a huge burden in so many ways to the sales people they oversee . It can effect morale , the ability to do your job at a high level , in fact they become a road block to success . Then people leave .

In can cost a company millions in the plus or minus . Makes a bad hire at that level look quite serious doesn't it .

How about the bad hires from Alcon in SR. Leadership positions? All this talk about the talent we are now supposed to have. Sorry not seeing it. No clue how to properly run an IC plan. No clue how to properly forecast. No SR. Leadership that even knows key KOLs or Key Aesthetic and high prescribing derms. Oh that's right - that a customer and employee focus was the old way of doing things at this company. Maybe they should think about bringing back some of the crew we had before the FF and now Alcon clown show? all this talk of change and the new people they continue to bring in are just more talk and we continue to spiral down. Forget the goofs in middle management here. Let's start at the top. We are getting are asses kicked in the market place.

How about the bad hires from Alcon in SR. Leadership positions? All this talk about the talent we are now supposed to have. Sorry not seeing it. No clue how to properly run an IC plan. No clue how to properly forecast. No SR. Leadership that even knows key KOLs or Key Aesthetic and high prescribing derms. Oh that's right - that a customer and employee focus was the old way of doing things at this company. Maybe they should think about bringing back some of the crew we had before the FF and now Alcon clown show? all this talk of change and the new people they continue to bring in are just more talk and we continue to spiral down. Forget the goofs in middle management here. Let's start at the top. We are getting are asses kicked in the market place.

Let's look at ourselves first, have we been really ready for those positions ? are we disappointed because we were not selected in spite of our seniority... My two cents...

The problem is the leadership. Don't understand what it takes in this business is different than what it took at Alcon. A/C in particular. Can't hire a bunch of traditional pharma people in this space. It's completely different.

I think at the end of the day what we all are really saying is there is rampant incompetence and a total lack of experiance in the space. In addition, not enough talent in this bunch to learn and be adaptable to be successful in the space. Talk to the KOLs in derm and they say very good things about a lot of our former Sr leadership that is now at other companies and they shake their heads about both FF and now the current crop of leadership in the US. It is really an embarasment.

Hey Safia is doing just fine. Look at her linked in profile. She is now attending networking events for out placed pharma executives. I did not know that Galderma had offices in Boston. I guess she got a juicy severance to tide her over for a while. What a mess.

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