Why Stock is Down


Message on LinkedIn today from Dear Leader, addressing directly why the stock price is in the toilet

Geoff MarthaGeoff Martha(He/Him) •
1st(He/Him) • • 1stCEO & Chairman Of The Board Of Directors at MedtronicCEO & Chairman Of The Board Of Directors at Medtronic

  • I’m celebrating all forms of love with the Medtronic #PRIDE Employee Resource Group this month. The #LoveisLove campaign reminds us that there are many ways to show appreciation for those around you – family, friends, colleagues, pets, and more. From everyday acts of kindness to stepping up in moments of need, our coworkers demonstrate their unwavering support and affection for one another in many ways.
  • I’m proud to work alongside so many people who strive to create a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and loved for who they are. Happy #LoveIsLove month!

Message on LinkedIn today from Dear Leader, addressing directly why the stock price is in the toilet

Geoff MarthaGeoff Martha(He/Him) •
1st(He/Him) • • 1stCEO & Chairman Of The Board Of Directors at MedtronicCEO & Chairman Of The Board Of Directors at Medtronic

  • I’m celebrating all forms of love with the Medtronic #PRIDE Employee Resource Group this month. The #LoveisLove campaign reminds us that there are many ways to show appreciation for those around you – family, friends, colleagues, pets, and more. From everyday acts of kindness to stepping up in moments of need, our coworkers demonstrate their unwavering support and affection for one another in many ways.
  • I’m proud to work alongside so many people who strive to create a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and loved for who they are. Happy #LoveIsLove month!

Where is the outrage when he celebrates Arab Health?

How does anyone mentally handle working here anymore? Genuine question. Working here is like existing in a parallel universe where everything that can go wrong will, and does. Then when you feel like nothing can get more insane, you receive an e-mail from Geoff focusing on the importance of the company-wide celebration of Eid-al-Fitr.

How does anyone mentally handle working here anymore? Genuine question. Working here is like existing in a parallel universe where everything that can go wrong will, and does. Then when you feel like nothing can get more insane, you receive an e-mail from Geoff focusing on the importance of the company-wide celebration of Eid-al-Fitr.

I have worked for well over a decade and this all started when Omar came along with his free cash flow non sense taught to him by his mentor, Jack Welch. It’s like cooking a frog in a pot of hot water, just turn up the temperature a little bit at a time, or at Medtronic just keep taking away from your employees and R&D, and then one day…poof….it’s a dumpster fire and leadership is clueless.

It truly is a parallel universe. This will end poorly for Medtronic. 5-10 years from now this company will not even be recognizable. Just look at the shear number of federal corrective actions, one of the lowest field employee engagement scores in the Fortune 500 and no new products. But Geoff and the board of directors have made the “bold” decision that we are now a growth company…again, but with no new products.

A titan of industry that will look like US steel or General Electric when it’s all said and done.

if you can get out and take a good job elsewhere, please take it. This ship is sinking and it is not going to be salvaged.

How does anyone mentally handle working here anymore? Genuine question. Working here is like existing in a parallel universe where everything that can go wrong will, and does. Then when you feel like nothing can get more insane, you receive an e-mail from Geoff focusing on the importance of the company-wide celebration of Eid-al-Fitr.

I have worked for well over a decade and this all started when Omar came along with his free cash flow non sense taught to him by his mentor, Jack Welch. It’s like cooking a frog in a pot of hot water, just turn up the temperature a little bit at a time, or at Medtronic just keep taking away from your employees and R&D, and then one day…poof….it’s a dumpster fire and leadership is clueless.

It truly is a parallel universe. This will end poorly for Medtronic. 5-10 years from now this company will not even be recognizable. Just look at the shear number of federal corrective actions, one of the lowest field employee engagement scores in the Fortune 500 and no new products. But Geoff and the board of directors have made the “bold” decision that we are now a growth company…again, but with no new products.

A titan of industry that will look like US steel or General Electric when it’s all said and done.

if you can get out and take a good job elsewhere, please take it. This ship is sinking and it is not going to be salvaged.