Why Socialism failed


Let me put this out there. Danzitin goal is communal. With sales posted to date, there’s no possibility of reaching the communal #. Why would I sell it? If I generate 50 prescriptions (example) I’ll earn 0$. My quota next quarter would then be possibly 85 prescriptions. The people who generate zero this quarter are in better shape as their Q2 quota would be minimal. No thank you, I’ll stay at zero for awhile.

Let me put this out there. Danzitin goal is communal. With sales posted to date, there’s no possibility of reaching the communal #. Why would I sell it? If I generate 50 prescriptions (example) I’ll earn 0$. My quota next quarter would then be possibly 85 prescriptions. The people who generate zero this quarter are in better shape as their Q2 quota would be minimal. No thank you, I’ll stay at zero for awhile.
Azurity can’t create an incentive plan to actually incentivize. It’s crazy.