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Why so much hate in HCV?


Is it that you pathetic little babies know that your days are numbered, or is it that you actually have to sell something now? Which is it???

What do you mean by days numbered? If you arealluding to all oral regimenns, that's 2_3 years away at a minmum, if at all. There has not been a single St indicating superioty in genotype 1. Besides, we are the undisputed premier sales force in hcv, there will be plenty of opportunities when these other companies join the market. So we are not hateful, we are just your average overpaid and under worked, self entitled in rates drug reps, like everyone else.

Plenty of other opportunities? Yea right. Just like there is with Pharmasset right now. Half the sales force was planning to head over there. Not any more! Gilead has got this now. The fact is, we have one year tops before we get a major restructure. We need 90 reps and a dozen managers tops. THat's a bet you can count on. Better than the bet of plenty opportunities elsewhere. HCV at Roche is dead. But you keep drinking the cool aid my friend.

Plenty of other opportunities? Yea right. Just like there is with Pharmasset right now. Half the sales force was planning to head over there. Not any more! Gilead has got this now. The fact is, we have one year tops before we get a major restructure. We need 90 reps and a dozen managers tops. THat's a bet you can count on. Better than the bet of plenty opportunities elsewhere. HCV at Roche is dead. But you keep drinking the cool aid my friend.

Again, what do you mean by dead. There will not be an all oral regimen until 2014, at the absolute earliest; that's hardly "numbered days". In the meantime eoche has an existingpipeline,ANDcan purchase company in the burgeoning hcv market anytime it wants to. In addition there are many companies thatwill launch hcv products in the next few years. So like I said, the future is very bright for Roche hcv reps. We will have no significant competition for the next three year, we have a decent pipeline, and Roche has the financial muscle to acquire the pipeline of any number of small startup, lastly we are the undisputed premiere sales force which means tha we will be the most sought after reps in a market that has very few experienced people.

Nice try! But our futures are bright, whether with Roche, or with anew entry in the market.

Plenty of other opportunities? Yea right. Just like there is with Pharmasset right now. Half the sales force was planning to head over there. Not any more! Gilead has got this now. The fact is, we have one year tops before we get a major restructure. We need 90 reps and a dozen managers tops. THat's a bet you can count on. Better than the bet of plenty opportunities elsewhere. HCV at Roche is dead. But you keep drinking the cool aid my friend.

Market dominance is a double edge sword. At this point, peg intro is irrelevant, thus pegasys sells itself. However, your speculation about a major restructuring in 12 months tops" is nothing but your personal speculation. Besides, if we were good enough for pharmasset, we are good enough for Gilead; they don't have an hcv sales force. Tons of other companies coming soon too. There are not many reps with hcv experience and relationships. So yes, our futures are bright. In the meantime, I'll keep driving my 95% share!

I wish upper management would listen for ONCE!!!! Victrelis sucks and offices don't want to hear about it. Yes, there have been some side effects with Incivek, but it's MUCH better and clinical data has shown that. I hate the Merck people and they continue to act childish when I see them...it's like "Oh no, there is the Genentech rep, I better pretend not to see them". Sick of their crap and I'm not going to be pushed into selling something that isn't the best product. Survey the hell out of my offices I don't care!

I wish upper management would listen for ONCE!!!! Victrelis sucks and offices don't want to hear about it. Yes, there have been some side effects with Incivek, but it's MUCH better and clinical data has shown that. I hate the Merck people and they continue to act childish when I see them...it's like "Oh no, there is the Genentech rep, I better pretend not to see them". Sick of their crap and I'm not going to be pushed into selling something that isn't the best product. Survey the hell out of my offices I don't care!

I for one have never mentioned the Merck product or vivtrellis. I do however partner with reps from both combine, to help drive patients. Its up to THEM to sell their drug, not me. I coulnt care less about the surveys.

Is it that you pathetic little babies know that your days are numbered, or is it that you actually have to sell something now? Which is it???

Sounds like a SMerck troll trying to rile up the troops here. Or maybe it's a bitter former Pegasys rep who ended up at Vertex?
Whatever. We own the interferon market, will continue to for the duration of interferon treatment unless BMS comes up with Lambda, and if we are savvy people here, we won't rest on our laurels and will be proactive with our careers if need be. Those who launched Pegasys way back are the most complacent, but they will wake up if they need to.
As for actually selling, we've been selling our way to 85% share so nothing new here. We are NOT selling victrelis, just educating. If a prescriber challenges me on the data, none of us will loose sleep if they prescribe incivek.

Everyone who comes from the field to marketing forgets where the came from with time. If anyone says that they don't, such as DB, VM or TW, they're full of it. We are pawns to them now.

Everyone who comes from the field to marketing forgets where the came from with time. If anyone says that they don't, such as DB, VM or TW, they're full of it. We are pawns to them now.

Sales reps were and always will be pawns of marketing. Just being honest, in the Pharma Industry "sales" is simply a marketing tactic, just like dtc, and other tactics.

DB is the biggest moron I had to work with. How do these peeps get these jobs in such a competitive environment, even keep their jobs. Funny thing is he's seems so arrogant like he actually knows what he's doing. He reminds me of mindless Jaws from those Bond films.

Brand took off after TM, MS, KR etc took reigns with strong Acct Managers years ago. Everyone doing high fives today are front runners

Schering had more to do with Pegasys' rise in mkt share than these folks. Marketing has zero impact on sales. Maybe in the old days when you could blanket offices in pens, pads, etc., but no longer do worthless detail aids have impact. All very nice people, but should not take credit for sales increases- they should take credit for getting out of the way and allowing it to happen.

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