why put natpara in GI division


What's the idea behind putting Natpara in the GI division at shire Instead of their rare disease division? Is anyone even accepting offers for this job with all the uncertainty?

The lack of response clearly indicates that no one at NPS understands Shire management's rationale.

Interesting...if I were the Regional Business Directors at NPS, I would be concerned as there are new job postings for Regional Business Managers in "Rare Disease" and not "GI" on the Shire website.

Interesting...if I were the Regional Business Directors at NPS, I would be concerned as there are new job postings for Regional Business Managers in "Rare Disease" and not "GI" on the Shire website.

You might want to read the job descriptions genius. RBM is the title for the sales reps in the rare disease business unit. This has absolutely nothing to do with the nps RBDs.

help me out, OP and 5th poster, since when did cafe pharma change its name to "competitive info pharma?" seriously, its obvious y'all are outsiders that comb through our career postings trying to figure out organizational structure, then y'all mine the hell out of these boards looking for specifics. Your goal is for others to do your job for you, and for free....give it a rest huh?

help me out, OP and 5th poster, since when did cafe pharma change its name to "competitive info pharma?" seriously, its obvious y'all are outsiders that comb through our career postings trying to figure out organizational structure, then y'all mine the hell out of these boards looking for specifics. Your goal is for others to do your job for you, and for free....give it a rest huh?

It's clear that you're troubled by the comments.

I don't believe the comments are coming from outsiders, just current NPS reps who'd like honest answers. So far the answers haven't been provided.

Is that OK, ya'll?

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