Why people hate working for B&L


In response to a previous thread, why don't we just shut up and work and stop complaining.

Allow me to respond.

The reason the reps and managers hate the current management team is because of all of the underhanded ways they replaced and fired original team members. In the case of KK, it was known that she had certain managers she wanted to bring on. She told doctors what her plans were before she ever joined the company and then systematically fired some of the best and most knowledgeable people at the company. In their place she hired previous people she worked with. Business was lost, relationships were lost. It is a prime example of why people will not work hard for the company, or even work at all as the case may be. The team used to be a highly motivated team. When I left it was a zombie force at the last meeting. I can only imagine it is worse now than ever before. There are almost no original reps left before KK and PS. The realignments to give friends designer territories is so transparent.

The bottom line is that you have no career stability with two people with such low integrity in charge of your job. I don't even say career because you don't have one there. There is no career at B&L in pharma sales. It is piece rate labor. You are living check to check and you have zero job stability. Top reps and managers were fired. If they want you out so they can put in a friend in your place, you are gone.

That is why people complain. They want to know they have a career and growth opportunity and they know they don't, but many people are also very reluctant to go someplace else until they are forced to. The strongest willed and best reps have left by choice or by force. I can name dozens that have left in the last 2 years. Now it's your turn. Get out of that place. You can make more money someplace else and you can find a MUCH MUCH MUCH better work environment. TRUST ME. I've found one, you can too.

KK and PS did the same at Novartis. They destroyed the ophthalmics franchise. The entire sales force was laid off. The franchise is gone. Check with anyone that worked there and they will tell you. Everyone was let go. Unfortunately, I believe this is where we are headed as they continue to destroy businesses and somehow survive to go on while everyone else is cut loose.

Why the new CEO does not purge the ranks of management that has not performed is a mystery?????? If the division or area that the VP/manager has responsibility for and has not done well in the last three years they should be let go.

Why are the mid-level VPs/managers not accountable for poor performance???
The mid/level VP/managers have replaced a large portion of their employees over the last three years.

B+L has formed an ELITIST culture where the VP/managers are not accountable but they are allowed to trash waves and waves of employees that work for them. Poor performance is blamed on the employees and not on the management.

If you are not part of the ELITE at B+L forget it. The ELITE (with the help of HR)will eventually find you and use you as a scapegoat for poor performance.

100% agree with the posts. It's a vicious circle that PS and KK have created: they put their friends in HR and Management so they can control all entry and exit of the salesforce. It's a CYA strategy they can use to maintain their position of employment by creating layers of protection so they can pull the wool over the eyes of Fred and Brent. It won't last forever, though. There will be a time where they won't be able to blame others for lack of achievement. They should start by examining why KK has a company paid BMW convertible as her car. It's not even a practical business reward and reeks of indulgence and entitlement.

yeah I don't recall B&L ever having a BMW convertible as a rep car. As part of rep of the year, the top rep was awarded a mid level mercedes one year as a rep car, but he left before he ever even got it.

B&L pharma is a joke. Brent, phil perry and KK are all a joke. Laughing stock. Doctors make fun of all of them. Say they are clueless how to run an ophthalmic company. Not one doctor I know respects any of them. It's a real shame. Time was our senior management and first line managers had real clout with the doctors. not anymore. It's a shame.

Agree, Pharma is a mess since Fleming brought Perry in, who than brought Kathy in. Another example of CYA is Perry hiring Kissling who oversaw the Besivance flop, than Kissling is promoted. He should have been shown the door. Perry's realignment is exactly what he did at Novartis, which was a failure. It's a stall tactic, as any new alignment is given time in spite of warning signs. Kathy has done nothing to drive any business. Her position was never needed.

Perry, and especially Kathy, should have been shit canned many months ago. They continue with the unethical and discriminatory behavior that they utilized at Novartis, for which Novartis was sued and lost the case. They have both driven off-label use since their arrival at B&L. It more than likely took five minutes for the Schering newbies to realize Phil is an idiot.

Phil is a complete loser. Another slacker pharma rep pushed up through the ranks without any clue how to run a pharma unit. He was given everything he needed to know to make a significant change right off the bat and he did nothing. Total incompetence. As soon as he came on board a manager and two reps told him to get rid of KK, but he would not take any action. Instead he did nothing. People were forced out and several people quit who wrote him letters telling him why they were quitting and STILL he did nothing. Phil is just as culpable as Perry and KK because he was given reliable intel and did nothing.

How many of you pharma reps interviewed for the Optometry Manager position that was handed to Josh P for no reason other than his prior relationship with Kathy? Middling short-term performance earns a promotion at B&L Pharma?

How many of you Pharma reps interviewed for the Northeast Hospital Manager position which had been previously promised to the eventual rep many months prior?

Multiple seasoned reps requested interviews for various positions in the last 2 years and were turned down for even a chance to interview, or strung along and told they would be given an interview. In Southern Cal KK said she wanted a seasoned manager to take over and snubbed her nose at tenured reps. She hired DD, who never even moved to Los angeles but commuted back and forth from chicago.

Several people reported to Legal and HR that DD was pushing reps off label. Nothing was done about it. He's too stupid to even know how to sell it on label. Off label use is all he's got. Truly one of the worst managers in the company. I wouldn't hire him to shine my shoes. Hey DD, have you bought a decent suit to wear yet, you frikin' slacker, or are you still wearing the same houndstooth sports coat with your stained pants.

That shows the quality of hiring decisions KK makes. Hey KK, thanks for destroying the entire original team from Southern Cal. 1 person from the original team left and 2 managers turned over. You're a disaster. Now that MS in orange county just quit, how long until all those TLC partners jump ship to Alcon because they won't even talk to KK. Maybe they hope the porn star they hired in Beverly hills can keep those dirtbag doctors writing Lotemax.

KKs a total DISASTER! Get rid of her.

Phil is an insecure 12 year old girl. Kiss his ass and it makes him feel great. Disagree with him and his little head explodes. No leadership skills and no balls.

Love it. Perfect analogy. He is a 12 year old girl. No wonder his favorite song is Jersey Girl. Suck it Phil.

Did I mention Kathy and Perry suck too. Let's not lose focus people. Always remember who the real cause of the problems are.

DD? It sounds like the Chicago manager and just like you described! He's always talking about his custom clothes that his brother made in California but he's always wearing the same thing. He's a lame excuse for even a human let alone give him a manager position. Somebody said this guy has had 5 jobs in the past 6 years. He's a horrible manager with so much CYA in his life that he seems like he has OCD. The previous post made me laugh so hard because it sounds like he hasn't changed since coming to Chicago. Hey DD, stop talking about your retarded kid. We're tired of hearing your stories about how special he is. Can't believe anybody let you reproduce with them.

Another in a line of poor decisions made by Kathy. How this incompetent fool Kathy stays employed at B&L is anyone's guess. Perry, another B&L cancer, supports her. The sooner Perry is cut loose, the better.

Novartian here...PS and KK are not representative of NPC. Their incestuous hiring practices are driven by their flaming insecurity. KK is a psych case. Document everything!!! She has on you!