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Why Lilly Oncology still sucks


Can you believe the clinical discussion conf call? No wonder our docs don't want to see us - what a waste of time - just crap. No value added - old information that can be given by rep, med reference, LOOD - and now we have this. Too depressing :(

3 a day in oncology? I would like to ride with the lilly oncology rep that has 3 legitimate calls a day every day. Obviously, the national call average is going to reflect that for the most part every rep is seeing 3 to 4 a day but we all know this is not even possible in todays world. If Lilly ever looked into call reporting they would have fill some openings across the division.

Lilly Oncology: the art of selling one melted ice cream cone at a time! LOL

The art of trying to get our customers interested in seeing us with information they already know, speakers they don't care to talk to, and topics they could care less about - tied with a nice shiny bow of an IPAD and packaged with the gift wrapping of VBS!

Here we come Dallas! Gag me with a spoon!

I was looking for a Will Wright who was with Forest Labs a while back. Someone told me he went to Lilly, GSK or AstraZeneca as the National Sales Director for Oncology.