Why is this stock stuck at $5-$6?


I'm an investor in Depomed, and would like to hear from some of the reps that lurk here about the company, sales of Gralise and Zipsor, and the attitude of the Sales force.

Doesn't seem like the company is selling as much as they expected for Gralise, and I don't see anything on blogs or investor boards about Zipsor sales.

Is the sales force still excited? What is the focus/expectation for Zipsor? Does the sales force need to get bigger for success?

Ask a question about managed care!
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Ask why we don't call on hospitals and get corp to add Orthopedic surgeons to Gralise target lists.
The Doc's doing joint replacement and fusions who Pfizer calls on.

Payers are the problem, not having them and hearing about CVS as the golden goose too many times when obviously it isn't the ticket to success.

Nov.5, company lost 1.3 mil in Q3?
Better than same Q in 2011- and they hired their own sales force!
Ever feel like what you are part of is a serious crap game?
Still no leader in managed care?
Are they still using contracted MC rep's?

zipsor-the studies that were done were performed on the feet, but we have no podiatrist on our call list, zipsor works great for mentrual cramps, but we have no obgyns, works great for tooth extraction (dentist and oral docs) biggest miswriters of narcotics on the market but we have none of them either

zipsor-the studies that were done were performed on the feet, but we have no podiatrist on our call list, zipsor works great for mentrual cramps, but we have no obgyns, works great for tooth extraction (dentist and oral docs) biggest miswriters of narcotics on the market but we have none of them either

I have podiatrists and dentists.

IF you have dentists and more than a few Podiatrists as targets you are in the minority.
Your situation would be very unique and perhaps it is because you are TX based?

It is rather amazing more rep's haven't spoken up about your comment.
It is a misleading one to non employees.

Face it this drug is a fucking dog. Are you fucking stupid?
11-05-2012 09:16 AM

the product is not a dog, it is just marketed wrong, I have started to have the doc's write a 3 day supply of zipsor, at least i am getting some scripts from it, but the above posts have it correct, does this product work for everyone--no--but what product does when it comes to pain--if upper management would get their heads out of their ass and open up the entire universe with these 2 products, this company would thrive, when zipsor was represented by xanodyne, the reps over there had the same issues with the product--crap targets, no formulary (except various southern states) and it died--until management wakes up, this is going to happen with these 2 products

How can we all get it and the old guys sit in San Fran happy to listen to misguided marketing tactics and sue FDA over orphan drug status?
Could they open the target focus?
What stops them from allowing us to call on ortho's and podiatrists and maybe gyns and oral surgeons?
Is it fear focus on the neuro's and pain will be lost?
What percentage of reps is really making it?
Would they listen to us?

It is sad really to hold back people that know where the real customers are and how to get them.
But the Devine plan must be followed.
Seems like to disaster for sake of target lists.

The drugs are not blockbusters, old molecules, but with a liberal targeted market, some managed care expertise, and doing it differently than we are currently doing it, life for all could be different.

old molecule plus old sales strategy equals failure. face it the drug sucks balls.

This is not the only thing sucking balls around here. I pesonally will be staying with company fo quite a while as long as I have a classy freak sex-machine for a DM. Yeah baby, I'm hard for you at the drop of a hat. Booty call ready to meet your freak needs- damn you're good!