Why is the Cincinnati position open again??.

Why is the position in Cincinnati in Critical Care open again?? This has to be a bad territory or a bad manager??

Dave Albert wants her gone.....for reasons known only to him. He gets a hard-on for people for very unprofessional reasons and puts the pressure on the manager to get rid of the person.

Manager is great!

It's open because after their interview with DA they run for the door.
Mike is a great manager and would be better if he wasn't under the thumb of the worst RM in the entire industry.

WTF.....is MA and DA dumping the entire district? Lost a lawsuit for age discrimination and now another rep....one of the company's best, has left. Think maybe it's time to look at management as the cause?

Why is the Cincinnati position open again?

Because it is and has always been a town of very slow adopters. Probably the worse territory location in the country. Potential looks good from numbers stand point but the uptake of doctors in the town for anything new always sucks in Cin-City.

Why is the Cincinnati position open again?

Because it is and has always been a town of very slow adopters. Probably the worse territory location in the country. Potential looks good from numbers stand point but the uptake of doctors in the town for anything new always sucks in Cin-City.

Bullshit! But nice try, Mike.