why is it when you are severed all your work friends and colleagues disappear?


Because they were never friends or colleagues in the first place. Pfizer fosters the " me first" mentality. Everyone uses everyone else to get what they want. Lie, cheat, blame everyone else for failures, take all the credit for any success. It's a toxic environment and I hate it. Actually hope I get canned in the next round, det my severance and get the hell out of here. All of Pfizer can kiss my ass.

It is sort of like you contracted Ebola....no one wants to be near you.

Why is that?

You want to hear from them? Then land a job at Amgen or Novonordisk or AZ. Then and only then, they will be all up in your grill trying to connect via LinkedIn. And I'm talking district and regional managers, and KAMs.

Book it.

It is sort of like you contracted Ebola....no one wants to be near you.

Why is that?

Work takes up 50%-75% of your life then you have your personal life. Getting laid off of work is tough on friendships.

A young hot rep would go down on a DM one day and he's nothing after a layoff. All those good times and you thought you were the user until you find out that you definitely were getting used.

All the people that sucked up to you are sucking up to someone else.

If you were the one doing the sucking up, at least you don't have to do that anymore. You can get off your knees, dust them off and reclaim some dignity.

How quickly the so called friends you had, forget about you. Their only concern is who is gonna help them now achieve their goals. This is especially with new reps today. Even some of your friends who were older in age seeminly forget about you. They don't realize that you were once thought of as a colleague and a friend. They never think of calling you to find out out you and your family are doing, meeting you for lunch or breakfast. They're too busy for you now, even though they can find time for other friends. You come to realize that they weren't your friends and now you are nothing. All those nice friends who told you how much you are going to be missed and what a great job you did over the years. After a few month, you realize all those thing they said were lies. Now I know that when I sit in my doctors office, and see reps coming in and out, they're just there trying to get a signature and could care less if you did anything to help the staff and doctor benefit from your visit. The young babes still come in and flaunt that hot body, inadequate in discussing a disease state in these offices. The young guys are as bad, they're trying to impress their boss and advance the career ladder to hopefully become a DM, who knows it all about getting into seeing a target. They don't realize that it takes years to building the trust and respect from a rep before they believe anything they say. It's sad to see where this profession has gone. It's amazing to hear how the patients in the waiting room talk about the reps who come in, and for the staff members and doctor shake their head about the rep who has just come in. Most of them say the only reason I see a rep is to get the samples to help patients out on a fixed income.

Because they were job friends. Grow up. I bet you barely or if ever keep in touch and hang out with your past work friends.

I bet you blow off all of your college friends. We move on. The world is too big to stay close friends with everyone we were forced to work with.

The fact that you don't have a clue about why tells me you're probably too stupid to keep around as anything other than a forced work friend.

The above posters have it right. I keep my work friends at arms length because we have to be friendly with our colleauges to survive in our careers. I don't expect much from any of them if I get canned or move on. So why should you expect more?

It's cold, but the above poster is mostly correct. It's work, not family. It's work, not real friendship (in most cases).
If you have 1 -3 people from Pfizer who call you back, that's good. And those who do call you back are true good people.
Sorry you lost your job. It must totally suck. The people who say they want to get cut are just bullshitting themselves because they and all of us could get out at any time.

But here is a truth I believe. There is opportunity out there. Think about it as if you just got a new territory and you have to go figure it out. Redefine yourself and try to look upon the change as a chance to do what you really want.
Good luck.

It is sort of like you contracted Ebola....no one wants to be near you.

Why is that?

I'm calling BS. I nave several friends who were severed. We got together once every 3 months for lunch and conversation. Then I retired and we still all get together once every 3 months - plus a couple of people who are still working with PFE. Stop spreading
paranoid nonsense.

I'm calling BS. I nave several friends who were severed. We got together once every 3 months for lunch and conversation. Then I retired and we still all get together once every 3 months - plus a couple of people who are still working with PFE. Stop spreading
paranoid nonsense.

You are definitely the exception.
And it is a bit creepy you still get together with these people...but I guess when you have nothing else going on in your life, it makes sense.

And yes, PFE sucks. It always was a cult anyway. A terrible place to work.

You are definitely the exception.
And it is a bit creepy you still get together with these people...but I guess when you have nothing else going on in your life, it makes sense.

And yes, PFE sucks. It always was a cult anyway. A terrible place to work.

Creepy? What's creepy about people who've known each other 10, 15, 20 years having lunch now and then? And while I'm retired with plenty to do (grandchild, etc) those still working whether with PFE or those who've transitioned somewhere else, call now & then and we have lunch. While our various employment statuses may have changed, the friendships developed over the years hasn't.

Creepy? What's creepy about people who've known each other 10, 15, 20 years having lunch now and then? And while I'm retired with plenty to do (grandchild, etc) those still working whether with PFE or those who've transitioned somewhere else, call now & then and we have lunch. While our various employment statuses may have changed, the friendships developed over the years hasn't.

Agree with this. Retired also, meet for lunch every couple of months with former colleagues who I know and worked with for many years. Also still talk to some reps who used to work for me and meet them for lunch once in a while. It's not a lot of people but it's a few. Nice to get together and have a few laughs and BS for a while. Not sure what's creepy about it either. Although, I have met plenty of creepy people at Pfizer while I worked there.....they are the first ones I cut off contact with!

Because they were never friends or colleagues in the first place. Pfizer fosters the " me first" mentality. Everyone uses everyone else to get what they want. Lie, cheat, blame everyone else for failures, take all the credit for any success. It's a toxic environment and I hate it. Actually hope I get canned in the next round, det my severance and get the hell out of here. All of Pfizer can kiss my ass.

This is so true. I want to throw up when I have to listen to people on a district teleconference sucking up and offering no real value. DMs use you and so do your peers. When your gone, 99% of all the people you ever worked with will never call you again. No one gives a shit.

This is so true. I want to throw up when I have to listen to people on a district teleconference sucking up and offering no real value. DMs use you and so do your peers. When your gone, 99% of all the people you ever worked with will never call you again. No one gives a shit.

Do you think it's any different in any job or industry. It's the same all over-not just Pharma. How many people from your previous gig before Pfizer do you talk to??? Yea-that's what I thought.

Yes, to so many points
..all up in grill on LI!!!! (no let's NOT cxt)
...The job is the glue, once that common ground is gone 98% relationships are done

I"ve worked teaching, research, pharma, sales..it's all the same. You think you really have friends? Naw, you dont. I have about 2, more like 1 old coworker that is still a friend of mine. The rest are great associates, but accepting that they were there for a season is best. Letting them go is better. You grow.

Let them go..

It is sort of like you contracted Ebola....no one wants to be near you.

Why is that?

People are superstitious and think you're bad luck. They also only know you from a business relationship, so they think you no longer can bring them value.

It's human nature. Every ones' posts above are also right.

Quit whining and move forward.

Shame on me! I thought I had real friends at Pfizer, but I was naive. Remember, all your buddies could truly care less about you when the going gets tough.
I won't be fooled again.

Pharma sales people are huge narcissists. They can only see their co-workers as stepping stones for their own career. Few real friendships in this business today - just using each other to climb the corporate ladder. No surprise that when the job goes away all those pretend friendships blow away like dust in the wind. Yes, I'm talking about you!

Pharma sales people are huge narcissists. They can only see their co-workers as stepping stones for their own career. Few real friendships in this business today - just using each other to climb the corporate ladder. No surprise that when the job goes away all those pretend friendships blow away like dust in the wind. Yes, I'm talking about you!

The worship of career and money is why, what you said, is 100 percent correct.

This industry is vey heavily dominated by selfish and arrogant professionals. After many years I have come to believe that you can trust very, very few of your colleagues. Even those who develop "friendships" with you seem to be very willing to put their own priorities and success as their single priority. It seems that they develop relationships as a means to promote themselves…even when it is at the unnecessary expense of others. I find it very tiresome!!!