Why is it so hard to get a good RD in Atlanta?


Seriously, you either have psycho (one gone and one still here) or stupid (still here). We're asking people who were never any good at sales to evaluate top reps to determine their raises? RIDICULOUS!! If you're too clueless to help your team with anything sales related all year (which they'd prefer you stay out of anyway), why are you determining our "competencies"? How about we evaluate your competencies... because Dave would fire you or knock you back to sales rep quick, then we can all see just how much you DON'T KNOW. What a waste of a couple salaries. Let's use them to get more coupons

Seriously, you either have psycho (one gone and one still here) or stupid (still here). We're asking people who were never any good at sales to evaluate top reps to determine their raises? RIDICULOUS!! If you're too clueless to help your team with anything sales related all year (which they'd prefer you stay out of anyway), why are you determining our "competencies"? How about we evaluate your competencies... because Dave would fire you or knock you back to sales rep quick, then we can all see just how much you DON'T KNOW. What a waste of a couple salaries. Let's use them to get more coupons

Wake up Shire management and let the reps eval the rds! You have a problem in atl... Way past due to address it

I agree. Tim B. has run off 3 good, very tenured reps in a year and noone is asking why that is. Well, I will tell you why. Because they no longer wanted to work for an incompetent manager. How can higher ups not see that trend?

It's not just Atlanta folks. Just look at the incompetent GAW over in Baton Rouge. Quite possibly the most miserable, dumbest, dishonest and demotivating excuse for an RD in all of pharma. If upper management hasn't gotten rid of her, they won't get rid of your manager in Atlanta. It blows my mind!

It's not just Atlanta folks. Just look at the incompetent GAW over in Baton Rouge. Quite possibly the most miserable, dumbest, dishonest and demotivating excuse for an RD in all of pharma. If upper management hasn't gotten rid of her, they won't get rid of your manager in Atlanta. It blows my mind!

Upper management is clueless!