Why is Fort Worth open again?

Sale force is very unhappy! Anyone that can find another job is getting out. Pressure is high, we are on a hiring freeze, and at almost 12% vacancy in the field positions. I know at least 3 people looking for a new job in my district alone. Products are not covered and it is a daily fight to get anything done.

Well they called me to IV so I guess they are hiring.. Lots of positions open I see! I guess I don't want to go from frying pan to the fire !! The tests aren't covered? I thought after all these years they would be? What kind if pressure? My current company is having issues.. So trying to get a better gig.. Thanks for honesty

on top of having hurdle after hurdle to sell our products, we no longer make decent money. Base salaries are pathetic and goals are set too high...and even exceeding goal doesn't result in good bonuses. I miss the old days when we were at least well compensated for clearing all the hurdles. They really should sack the Incentive Comp team. Every quarter brings new schemes to screw us out of bonus dollars. MANY more reps will be leaving as soon as they find new jobs.

Good move! Goals at this company are also moving targets. They send out your goals, take them back in the middle of the quarter and reissue at a higher goal. Bonuses are pathetic. Not only did sales rep jump ship, so did 4 national account managers. Really a shame!