Why I love working here


Instead of the regular negativity guys, lets have a positive thread that shows appreciation instead. I will begin.

I like working here because of the wonderful opportunity afforded to me. I know that my job is important because the medications I promote helps to improve and in some cases save lives. Everday is another opportunity for me to impact and unimpact patients who otherwise might still suffer in silence. I like my salary, car, benefits and career advancment chances.

I love my job!

Instead of the regular negativity guys, lets have a positive thread that shows appreciation instead. I will begin.

I like working here because of the wonderful opportunity afforded to me. I know that my job is important because the medications I promote helps to improve and in some cases save lives. Everday is another opportunity for me to impact and unimpact patients who otherwise might still suffer in silence. I like my salary, car, benefits and career advancment chances.

I love my job!

the a-holes that should get fired are the scum at the top sm km which ask us mgrs to do horribly illegal things to our reps & borderline insane all reps have been given artificially high goals so we can pick and choose who we can harass to get rid of