Why I am Leaving G


The day I decided to not play around with interviewing outside of Galderma was the day I was called by my national with news of a tiny raise. Yeah you know the day , a # of good years with G , collecting awards and taking trips , getting paid . Doing breakfasts and dinners same day , building strong business relationships , dragging around lame marketing and sales management from Texas .

I was disgusted , outraged , sickened . I called several tenured reps and they got the same or nothing . Then out leaked the raises for average reps , new reps and pediatric reps , reps rehired after being laid off !!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW !!!!

Right then I saw my worth , or lack in G s eyes . Most of the tenured reps I called that day had been to at least one inner circle , guess what , All but one are now looking to leave or just left !!!

My national said HR were behind the dismal raise I got . Inside it lit a fire , I thought , you pathetic weak clown , you just told me how little you care and fight for your people .

When I interviewed with a company recently I saw more Galderma people then at a national sales meeting . Others are interviewing with device companies , outside of pharma etc. Bring a name tag to ya next sales meeting G peeps coz it's gonna look real different .

The same lame reps G gave raises to will produce the same lame sales , pediatric reps will continue to bring in huge volume and several reps I know personally who got raises while being milk toast will continue being average at best.

My resignation is days away , good luck who ever takes over for me my relationships are going with me to company X .

Galderma you have totally lost the respect of your sales people . SHAME ON YOU .


It is great that HR came up with the raises , after all they know so well what managers & reps do all day , they are in the field & at meetings . It takes two , three sales meetings tops to see who is good , who is average & who needs to go .

The company is going in a positive direction right now but the Stuart needs to continue cutting out the weak & as addressed here the old nationals need to go , they couldn't lead a boy scout troop & dam straight they don't fight for their people .

The day I decided to not play around with interviewing outside of Galderma was the day I was called by my national with news of a tiny raise. Yeah you know the day , a # of good years with G , collecting awards and taking trips , getting paid . Doing breakfasts and dinners same day , building strong business relationships , dragging around lame marketing and sales management from Texas .

I was disgusted , outraged , sickened . I called several tenured reps and they got the same or nothing . Then out leaked the raises for average reps , new reps and pediatric reps , reps rehired after being laid off !!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW !!!!

Right then I saw my worth , or lack in G s eyes . Most of the tenured reps I called that day had been to at least one inner circle , guess what , All but one are now looking to leave or just left !!!

My national said HR were behind the dismal raise I got . Inside it lit a fire , I thought , you pathetic weak clown , you just told me how little you care and fight for your people .

When I interviewed with a company recently I saw more Galderma people then at a national sales meeting . Others are interviewing with device companies , outside of pharma etc. Bring a name tag to ya next sales meeting G peeps coz it's gonna look real different .

The same lame reps G gave raises to will produce the same lame sales , pediatric reps will continue to bring in huge volume and several reps I know personally who got raises while being milk toast will continue being average at best.

My resignation is days away , good luck who ever takes over for me my relationships are going with me to company X .

Galderma you have totally lost the respect of your sales people . SHAME ON YOU .

Stop whining! No matter where you end up, you will bitch and whine. Grow up, for god's sake.

Stop whining! No matter where you end up, you will bitch and whine. Grow up, for god's sake.

hey napoleon junior rather than disagree with the poster you attacked them personally. I suggest it is you that needs to grow up . The poster made some good points, but why I'm i wasting time on you I doubt you have ever seen an inner circle trip through your own efforts. You are probably some DFW based employee who grandfathered you're way on a trip .

you'd make a great nsm with your obvious lack of emotional maturity and napoleon complex

That response was from either HR and or another lame clown in the home office. This place lost its soul and leadership years ago. There was a time this was a great place and now that time has passed. Time to move on. Love the attacks at people who put up thoughtful posts. HR was the death of this place and they have worked hard to keep and protect the week minded fools in management while stabbing the real talented but outspoken reps of the past out of here.

That response was from either HR and or another lame clown in the home office. This place lost its soul and leadership years ago. There was a time this was a great place and now that time has passed. Time to move on. Love the attacks at people who put up thoughtful posts. HR was the death of this place and they have worked hard to keep and protect the week minded fools in management while stabbing the real talented but outspoken reps of the past out of here.

I agree ! I thought HR were about people , but that whole " raise " situation was a total cluster . In 4 years + with this company that was the biggest let down . I got nothing to speak off and yes I have win both an IC and pres award . I'm not in Medi science either. Disappointed and annoyed .

It sickens me to see a once great family oriented company go in such a downward spiral. It is hard to understand exactly why. My guess is that in addition to some major product life cycle issues, the people in charge just flat out don't care about the people or are more concerned about trying to push peoples "buttons" with mind games. It is a shame because this once great company will never be the same. It seems like every person I know that is still here is planning their exit strategy. The recent VP of Sales change was needed as the company was completely run into the ground under his watch but regardless the glory days of Galderma are a distant memory.

It sickens me to see a once great family oriented company go in such a downward spiral. It is hard to understand exactly why. My guess is that in addition to some major product life cycle issues, the people in charge just flat out don't care about the people or are more concerned about trying to push peoples "buttons" with mind games. It is a shame because this once great company will never be the same. It seems like every person I know that is still here is planning their exit strategy. The recent VP of Sales change was needed as the company was completely run into the ground under his watch but regardless the glory days of Galderma are a distant memory.

To add to these feelings expressed here , I question the leadership that flushed under the french captain . Leaders in the best sense are about their people , fighting for them , fighting with them , sharing the load . Eating last , being first on the battle field , weeping with and celebrating with . I never saw this , not once .

I saw entitlement , bragging and bullying , greed and weakness and fear . Most of all I saw a me first mentality . I witnessed this in Jason , Fraser , Chris , Ken , Dan , JP and Brian . None are fit to lead , they don't have the backbone or the emotional maturity . I saw others as a way to achieve their goals quickly walking over anyone who stood in their way . Their arrogance hid their complete lack of self knowledge , their power hunger and status grabbing was like watching little boys on a play ground .

Alexander the Great all conquering prince once gave up his place at the fire on a freezing night to a struggling foot soldier . Nelson Mandela spent years of his life locked away in a harsh prison so those he lead would have their freedom . Mother Teresa visited with Kings , presidents and princesses , she had more influence than them all yet she put others before herself and left a World in awe.

Leaders inspire , leave a positive mark , don't ask others to do what they themselves would not attempt . They seek to understand and know their people . You ask what happened at Galderma ? Weak leadership broke this company . Perhaps the new CEO will cut even deeper to remove the cancer that grew these past few years . Time for a fresh start over I think .

If today, you were given $22,000 raise, so $1,300 extra after tax cash every month, how would your life improve? If it also meant no more dealing with incompetent regional managers, insane call metrics, and instead could focus on improving your numbers, not calls per day, effectively, how would this improve your job satisfaction?


If today, you were given $22,000 raise, so $1,300 extra after tax cash every month, how would your life improve? If it also meant no more dealing with incompetent regional managers, insane call metrics, and instead could focus on improving your numbers, not calls per day, effectively, how would this improve your job satisfaction?


But, can I still use a sales aid??????

To add to these feelings expressed here , I question the leadership that flushed under the french captain . Leaders in the best sense are about their people , fighting for them , fighting with them , sharing the load . Eating last , being first on the battle field , weeping with and celebrating with . I never saw this , not once .

I saw entitlement , bragging and bullying , greed and weakness and fear . Most of all I saw a me first mentality . I witnessed this in Jason , Fraser , Chris , Ken , Dan , JP and Brian . None are fit to lead , they don't have the backbone or the emotional maturity . I saw others as a way to achieve their goals quickly walking over anyone who stood in their way . Their arrogance hid their complete lack of self knowledge , their power hunger and status grabbing was like watching little boys on a play ground .

Alexander the Great all conquering prince once gave up his place at the fire on a freezing night to a struggling foot soldier . Nelson Mandela spent years of his life locked away in a harsh prison so those he lead would have their freedom . Mother Teresa visited with Kings , presidents and princesses , she had more influence than them all yet she put others before herself and left a World in awe.

Leaders inspire , leave a positive mark , don't ask others to do what they themselves would not attempt . They seek to understand and know their people . You ask what happened at Galderma ? Weak leadership broke this company . Perhaps the new CEO will cut even deeper to remove the cancer that grew these past few years . Time for a fresh start over I think .

Amen. This blog site is filled with regional manager vents for a reason. We all know these guys are pricks and they know as well. Their insecurity only fuels the divide.

No accountability for curleys card and no accountability for sellens constant back stabbing. Oh, and let's rehire a guy we previously fired for a major hr violation... Brilliant!!!

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