Why don't you stop bi##chin and help


Bit** Bit** Bit**

Why is there so much bit**in on this board
If you really want to help your fellow LCA employees.

Post leads where other companies are hiring.
What area, what type of positions etc.

Go out, get leads, help people find better jobs, so they can be paid a decent wage, better benefits and not be subjected to very bad mangement who love to manage by intimadation and threats.

Bit** Bit** Bit**

Why is there so much bit**in on this board
If you really want to help your fellow LCA employees.

Post leads where other companies are hiring.
What area, what type of positions etc.

Go out, get leads, help people find better jobs, so they can be paid a decent wage, better benefits and not be subjected to very bad mangement who love to manage by intimadation and threats.

True that!! U know that's right. Tell it like it is, somebody.

Bit** Bit** Bit**

Why is there so much bit**in on this board
If you really want to help your fellow LCA employees.

Post leads where other companies are hiring.
What area, what type of positions etc.

Go out, get leads, help people find better jobs, so they can be paid a decent wage, better benefits and not be subjected to very bad management who love to manage by intimidation and threats.

Dude, you are so on the mark.