Why do we have LTC account managers

They don't manage accounts based on Patch sales and they don't manage people. They were saved in the December reorg, why?

That's a good question. They think that their jobs are more important than they really are.
I was a LTC rep for many years before they eliminated the division. When they brought it back, they put 1 or 2 people (mostly former downsized managers) in charge for a whole state calling on LTC homes, medical directors, geriatricians, geriatric docs/psyches, etc., doing in-services, calling on the national LTC pharmacy chains.
Believe me, what they're doing, it's not anything different than what we original LTC reps did when we had many reps covering it in a state.
This is one division that will be axed by the end of 2012, with healthcare reform and all since healthcare reform is basically death panels to all the seniors our there. How's that hopey changey thing working out for ya'll?

So you replaced numerous reps with just a couple of higher skilled people. Sounds like smart direction to me!

What's the beef on this board with every position? Are reps really that afraid of their job prospects and aware of their ever decreasing value?

I was in ltc years ago too and have a different perspective. Yeah we could do the same job too but the job is important because without them, we wouldn't be able to be on the ltc pharmacies 'formularies' and not have the active enforcement/ 'support' of the pharmacists. .major bucks that support the need for us. Don't be a hater just accept and go do your job!

I was in ltc years ago too and have a different perspective. Yeah we could do the same job too but the job is important because without them, we wouldn't be able to be on the ltc pharmacies 'formularies' and not have the active enforcement/ 'support' of the pharmacists. .major bucks that support the need for us. Don't be a hater just accept and go do your job!

The key word is "YEARS AGO" there is no value today for LTC AMs. Contracts drive the business and price/billbacks drive the contracts. he account mangers just drive their company cars

So who is supposed to do the contract education and pull through. Or do you think a contract sells by itself?

LTC AM's do NOT sign contracts, they do not negotiate rebates. Rebates are the key to success. You can't do better than generic Aricept especially by June when other manufacturers enter the picture.

They don't manage accounts based on Patch sales and they don't manage people. They were saved in the December reorg, why?

BECAUSE 45% of Patch business is through the LTC channel.
BECAUSE without a dedicated GM10 for Patch, no one else is calling on the facilities.
BECAUSE they know the LTC business better then a portfolio rep who came over from CV.
BECAUSE since they re-started the LTC KAM role in 2009, these people have grown the LTC PAtch business by over 6% share.

They don't manage accounts based on Patch sales and they don't manage people. They were saved in the December reorg, why?

Very simple
so we have some easy fat to cut when we dont hit our swiss masters directed sales targets in 2011 or 2012

no reason to get rid of all the useless resources up front or else reps would have been cut even deeper

Because half of the GM sales team can not spell or say rivastigmine, becuse most of the GM sales team closes every call with "so doctor can I count on you to write for your next ten patients". Most GM have no skill most LTC AM's are tenured, and have a skill level 3x that of the GM teams. The BRM's as well. LTC has grown 3x faster than Retail, maybe when LTC grows this year with no GM support we will see who was doing all the work. Most BRM's and LTC managers do 3x the work of a GM and are 2x more accountable. And contracts do not sign and present themselves. But as a GM you would probably think that wouldnt you.

Because half of the GM sales team can not spell or say rivastigmine, becuse most of the GM sales team closes every call with "so doctor can I count on you to write for your next ten patients". Most GM have no skill most LTC AM's are tenured, and have a skill level 3x that of the GM teams. The BRM's as well. LTC has grown 3x faster than Retail, maybe when LTC grows this year with no GM support we will see who was doing all the work. Most BRM's and LTC managers do 3x the work of a GM and are 2x more accountable. And contracts do not sign and present themselves. But as a GM you would probably think that wouldnt you.

Can you spell GENERIC? Not one LTC AM has signed a contract for rivastigmine. Just watch your numbers go down each month.