Why do people never talk about how great their products are on here?


You all mostly defend this job because of the pay (which is not that great, considering the micromanagement and lack of job stability).

And, you almost NEVER talk about the benefits of your products to patient health.


I know why, but I want to hear it from all of you, that probably haven't read a book in over 10 years or longer.

You all mostly defend this job because of the pay (which is not that great, considering the micromanagement and lack of job stability).

And, you almost NEVER talk about the benefits of your products to patient health.


I know why, but I want to hear it from all of you, that probably haven't read a book in over 10 years or longer.

What is your problem?

So what if most of us are illiterate and only read off of core visual aids.

You all mostly defend this job because of the pay (which is not that great, considering the micromanagement and lack of job stability).

And, you almost NEVER talk about the benefits of your products to patient health.


I know why, but I want to hear it from all of you, that probably haven't read a book in over 10 years or longer.

I'm pooped. Too much pressure.

The products do more harm than good. That is all you need to know about this business. Reps are so clueless, as are managers. They really think they are doing good. I guess they don't read the contraindications.

The products do more harm than good. That is all you need to know about this business. Reps are so clueless, as are managers. They really think they are doing good. I guess they don't read the contraindications.

We don't know what contraindications are. We just read the core visual aid. And, we do roleplays in our cars.

We don't know what contraindications are. We just read the core visual aid. And, we do roleplays in our cars.

This wouldn't be so funny if it wasn't real life. It is truly remarkable how backwards our healthcare system is today. Reps role playing in cars. Doctors doing things behind closed door DURING work hours. Total clown show, all the way around. The only people that survive are low IQ and book smart people with no street smarts. I would never hire a doctor or drug rep to ever work for my company, due to lack of integrity and competency.

I knew an MD that was having intercourse during work hours, with a medical assistant, in between seeing patients.

If I am lying, I am dying.

Doctors are quite stupid.

Most are professional pill pushers. They might not understand that until after medical school. But they love to get their egos massaged and think they are important, while being overpaid to do nothing to help patients. Healthcare and warfare, the most profitable industries out there.