Why do Ilumya reps call on PCPs, internists, etc?


What’s up with Ilumya salesforce calling on non-Dermatology providers? The other biologic reps aren’t calling on general practitioners that I know of because not allowed. Curious if this is happening just in my district or nationwide. East region, VA, DC, Baltimore? If they can I wish we could. Not throwing shade here.

What’s up with Ilumya salesforce calling on non-Dermatology providers? The other biologic reps aren’t calling on general practitioners that I know of because not allowed. Curious if this is happening just in my district or nationwide. East region, VA, DC, Baltimore? If they can I wish we could. Not throwing shade here.

sun better be buttoned up on who they’re calling on.
Abhay can’t get on that plane back home soon enough.


I get sketchy answers also about calling on PC docs. I’ve been told well that doctor is taking care of all kinds of patients and prescribes everything so he’s a target. My response is he is PC and RSM says yes but he writes a lot of biologics. I’ve never seen the other Reps in these offices. I’m waiting for leadership to tell us to start profiling rheumatologists to prepare for pending PsA indication. This just seems wrong.

Can’t speak for the West Region but this was one of FL’s marching orders that remains today. If your RSM tells you to go see non dermatology HCPs document it. Mine tells me to market off label, compare labels through my dialogue with HCP/office, and of course go see anyone with a medical license. I pulled into an office this week and their brand new sign clearly says “Family Medicine.” I took a picture and said F it.

Can’t speak for the West Region but this was one of FL’s marching orders that remains today. If your RSM tells you to go see non dermatology HCPs document it. Mine tells me to market off label, compare labels through my dialogue with HCP/office, and of course go see anyone with a medical license. I pulled into an office this week and their brand new sign clearly says “Family Medicine.” I took a picture and said F it.

these are signs of desperation, despair and the complete lack of integrity here.
But, should we expect anything different from Abhay (Madoff) Gandhi ?

Can’t speak for the West Region but this was one of FL’s marching orders that remains today. If your RSM tells you to go see non dermatology HCPs document it. Mine tells me to market off label, compare labels through my dialogue with HCP/office, and of course go see anyone with a medical license. I pulled into an office this week and their brand new sign clearly says “Family Medicine.” I took a picture and said F it.
this thread makes no sense. I worked for FL twice now and would again. Why the hell would anyone call on someone who has little to no potential for that disease? Ridiculous. He was focused on calling on the right targets and not wasting time on those who barely wrote biologics. We didn’t get paid on calls.

This thread makes no sense. I worked for FL. You clearly did not. It’s ridiculous to think he would have you call on primary care docs for a biologic. Anyone in this business knows 80% of biologics are written by maybe 30% of Dermatologists. We have biologic potential by physician so we know exactly who to target. When that time comes, I will follow him at UCB. So you think he’ll have his team target PCPs for Bimekizumab? That’s insane.

This thread makes no sense. I worked for FL. You clearly did not. It’s ridiculous to think he would have you call on primary care docs for a biologic. Anyone in this business knows 80% of biologics are written by maybe 30% of Dermatologists. We have biologic potential by physician so we know exactly who to target. When that time comes, I will follow him at UCB. So you think he’ll have his team target PCPs for Bimekizumab? That’s insane.

I’m not OP but yes I was in East, got the hell out of Sun and when I saw my target list my “targets” were a mix of all HCPS. Yes I had PCP targets who may wrote a total of 40 biologics, mostly TNFs and they were considered a Tier 1-2? Wtf! Disagree with you that FL or anyone at Sun knows who to truly target and that’s why Ilumya continues to be at the bottom. FL was behind Ilumya launch and steered that ship and look where it’s at. Don’t put all your faith in him. Luckily there are more people at UCB that will question any lame decisions like happened at Sun.

this thread makes no sense. I worked for FL twice now and would again. Why the hell would anyone call on someone who has little to no potential for that disease? Ridiculous. He was focused on calling on the right targets and not wasting time on those who barely wrote biologics. We didn’t get paid on calls.

Someone loaded targets in Veeva for our call plan. I agree why would we waste time but that’s what was expected at Sun. Try to tell your RSM no potential and would be told “they are a target so call on them.” “Target” would say I only write for my own family members but not my patients, won’t take that burden on, and still they remained a target.

I’m not OP but yes I was in East, got the hell out of Sun and when I saw my target list my “targets” were a mix of all HCPS. Yes I had PCP targets who may wrote a total of 40 biologics, mostly TNFs and they were considered a Tier 1-2? Wtf! Disagree with you that FL or anyone at Sun knows who to truly target and that’s why Ilumya continues to be at the bottom. FL was behind Ilumya launch and steered that ship and look where it’s at. Don’t put all your faith in him. Luckily there are more people at UCB that will question any lame decisions like happened at Sun.

be serious. Fran has cut all ties to anyone from sun and will not bring another person over.
Like many, he’s just buying time, hoping this blows over long enough so that he can get just a few more years of income.

Who said Derm Reps can’t call on FP, IM HCPs? If an HCP is writing Biologics and not a Derm, I would call them a target. A target to call on or a target to have a referral network in place for them. I don’t think this is a violation of any sort? If a FP, IM or whoever is writing Biologics (and maybe ours), I would want to provide them with all the information possible anyway. They need to be educated as well. ANY FDA approved product can be written by ANY prescriber. Some people have PsO patients going to Rheum ASOCS for injections for B&B now...so what’s the difference?