why class-warfare taxes are misguided

This is why you need taxes. To subsidies those programs one deems necessary

The question is how much of a tax increase is being talked about? It it is a return to Clinton era tax rates, then nobody, not even teabaggers and Grover Norquist should be crying and hand wringing and whining. If on the other hand the rates would go back to the Eisenhower years of 91% at the top bracket, then that could be another story.

The question is how much of a tax increase is being talked about? It it is a return to Clinton era tax rates, then nobody, not even teabaggers and Grover Norquist should be crying and hand wringing and whining. If on the other hand the rates would go back to the Eisenhower years of 91% at the top bracket, then that could be another story.

I'm banking on the President Clinton era. It amazes me that the republican party pledges allegiance to Norquist and not to the United States of America. Oh how patriotic they are. Norquist over country.

The question is how much of a tax increase is being talked about? It it is a return to Clinton era tax rates, then nobody, not even teabaggers and Grover Norquist should be crying and hand wringing and whining. If on the other hand the rates would go back to the Eisenhower years of 91% at the top bracket, then that could be another story.

OK fine. You folks are enamored with the Clinton years and think they were the best thing since sliced bread then I have a deal for you.

I will agree to go back to Clinton era tax rates if you agree to go back to Clinton era spending levels.


OK fine. You folks are enamored with the Clinton years and think they were the best thing since sliced bread then I have a deal for you.

I will agree to go back to Clinton era tax rates if you agree to go back to Clinton era spending levels.


Especially on Defence.

Why not? We are about to celebrate the 10th anniversary, of the result of Clinton's defense cuts. Airman Who will no doubt be honoring his beloved Muslims that day.

Yes it was President Clinton's fault that he could not have a third term. Instead we had a child in charge.

It makes one wonder if, when Airman Alvin Greene's CO called for him, did people respond by saying "Airman Who?"

Well at lest I volunteered during war time. I doubt the same can be said for you war heroes.:D
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OK fine. You folks are enamored with the Clinton years and think they were the best thing since sliced bread then I have a deal for you.

I will agree to go back to Clinton era tax rates if you agree to go back to Clinton era spending levels.


Interesting that not one left wing fleebagger will take me up on my compromise to go back to their precious Clinton years.

If the feckless GOP were smart , they would make just such an offer and show Odummy for the socialist that he is.

OK fine. You folks are enamored with the Clinton years and think they were the best thing since sliced bread then I have a deal for you.

I will agree to go back to Clinton era tax rates if you agree to go back to Clinton era spending levels.


Is this an admission that the fleebagers don't believe the Clinton years were all that great?

Why wouldn't they want to go back to the tax rates and budget of Clinton that led to all those supposed surpluses the fleebaggers brag about?