Why can't for once a company really care about their employees? For once, please!


Although it may be hard for some to believe, a lot of us stuck it out here for our customers and patients. I was trying to be as loyal as I possibly could be. When my sister was stricken with this disease, I really felt powerless.
So now this company is going to take advantage of all of us and not give what I feel is due to us. I was loyal. I received no sign on bonus, let along a second sign on bonus. I didn't receive a huge pay raise. I just tried to do the best job I could.
Now I feel like I am being treated like garbage. Biogen, can you please at least treat me with dignity and give us all a little support when it is clear we all need new jobs?
I am absolutely in tears and disgusted by you all. Deb, Alisha, Michel, you should all be ashamed of yourselves and you will have to live with this the rest of your lives. You are not good people and I hope you get yours in the end as you will deserve it.


I have to agree. So sad as you know they strategized amongst themselves to avoid paying anyone. People need to realize this. First, they don't care about the patients. This is something that have to do from a PR standpoint. They have no choice but to take care of the existing patients, at least until they dump the commercialization program which everyone knows they will. Second, they don't care about the employees and this is evident.
Their actions, or lack thereof, speaks volumes of their character. They have none. They are pitiful and if anyone stands up for them, even in a fake way, are complete fools.

OP YOU ARE A MORON!!!! Nobody cares about you you stupid self entitled dumb ass! You should only look out for number uno! Fuck Biogen Fuck Deb Fuck the patients. I only give a shit about the money!

Although it may be hard for some to believe, a lot of us stuck it out here for our customers and patients. I was trying to be as loyal as I possibly could be. When my sister was stricken with this disease, I really felt powerless.
So now this company is going to take advantage of all of us and not give what I feel is due to us. I was loyal. I received no sign on bonus, let along a second sign on bonus. I didn't receive a huge pay raise. I just tried to do the best job I could.
Now I feel like I am being treated like garbage. Biogen, can you please at least treat me with dignity and give us all a little support when it is clear we all need new jobs?
I am absolutely in tears and disgusted by you all. Deb, Alisha, Michel, you should all be ashamed of yourselves and you will have to live with this the rest of your lives. You are not good people and I hope you get yours in the end as you will deserve it.

it is Karen’s like you why this country is in so much trouble and nobody respects us. WTF is wrong with you? Do you really think Biogen gives a shit about you or patients? No! And neither should you! It’s all about profits and making money for our investors. This is not about your well being or about the patients. We only care about how much money we can make. Now go crawl to the hole you came from you stupid Karen!

No need to be so harsh. OP, sorry for your loss, but clearly it clouded your judgment. Plenty of signs that Biogen doesn’t care: not paying full bonus Q3 & Q4…then spending over $1M just in the cash sign on bonuses to go managers who got to keep their jobs while laying off people with a damn prerecorded message and giving them only 13 weeks w/o vesting LTI. The lack of a call from leadership for an entire week was just one more example of how little they care about their employees.

No one should be criticizing this person. At least they have integrity. It is a wake up to us all. We all know deep down this company doesn't give a shit about their employees, but please at this point, for those that are still employed here STOP KISSING UP!!!! It hasn't gotten you anywhere and doesn't help the rest of us. This is a very very bad company.

Let's make one thing clear,

People like:
Chris B

Don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. The universe has a funny way of creating balance and karma will hit these self-absorbed uncaring people one day when they are on the other side of things.

No need to be so harsh. OP, sorry for your loss, but clearly it clouded your judgment. Plenty of signs that Biogen doesn’t care: not paying full bonus Q3 & Q4…then spending over $1M just in the cash sign on bonuses to go managers who got to keep their jobs while laying off people with a damn prerecorded message and giving them only 13 weeks w/o vesting LTI. The lack of a call from leadership for an entire week was just one more example of how little they care about their employees.

You are going to criticize this person yet you want everyone to believe you still don't work here but you still troll this board regularly???? Come on Man! Get the F out of here and get off your soap box!!!!! Everyone knows your story.

Although it may be hard for some to believe, a lot of us stuck it out here for our customers and patients. I was trying to be as loyal as I possibly could be. When my sister was stricken with this disease, I really felt powerless.
So now this company is going to take advantage of all of us and not give what I feel is due to us. I was loyal. I received no sign on bonus, let along a second sign on bonus. I didn't receive a huge pay raise. I just tried to do the best job I could.
Now I feel like I am being treated like garbage. Biogen, can you please at least treat me with dignity and give us all a little support when it is clear we all need new jobs?
I am absolutely in tears and disgusted by you all. Deb, Alisha, Michel, you should all be ashamed of yourselves and you will have to live with this the rest of your lives. You are not good people and I hope you get yours in the end as you will deserve it.

the level of stupidity among my colleagues as demonstrated by you posting this non-sense really astounds me. Are you working for a non profit? An endowment? No this is strictly a sales organization make no mistake about it. We don’t care about each other as employees and we definitely don’t care about helping patients. It’s only about how much money we can make! Are you that dull sweetheart?

Although it may be hard for some to believe, a lot of us stuck it out here for our customers and patients. I was trying to be as loyal as I possibly could be. When my sister was stricken with this disease, I really felt powerless.
So now this company is going to take advantage of all of us and not give what I feel is due to us. I was loyal. I received no sign on bonus, let along a second sign on bonus. I didn't receive a huge pay raise. I just tried to do the best job I could.
Now I feel like I am being treated like garbage. Biogen, can you please at least treat me with dignity and give us all a little support when it is clear we all need new jobs?
I am absolutely in tears and disgusted by you all. Deb, Alisha, Michel, you should all be ashamed of yourselves and you will have to live with this the rest of your lives. You are not good people and I hope you get yours in the end as you will deserve it.

1. Never feel powerless. That is on you. Do some self introspection and look for another opportunity if you feel this way, but never think you have no power because you do.
2. You are working in one of the most corrupt industries in the world. That is the reality. Accept it or find another job.
3. The best way to "get back at them" is to just work less. Figure out ways to cut corners and don't give all your energy out. That type of commitment is for your own business opportunities, not theirs.
Good luck and don't lose your confidence.

the level of stupidity among my colleagues as demonstrated by you posting this non-sense really astounds me. Are you working for a non profit? An endowment? No this is strictly a sales organization make no mistake about it. We don’t care about each other as employees and we definitely don’t care about helping patients. It’s only about how much money we can make! Are you that dull sweetheart?

you definitely need to see a mental health doctor with your line of thinking.
life is all about money to you, and that is a sad place to be.
You will neve have enough. You must have some stupid friends too.

You are going to criticize this person yet you want everyone to believe you still don't work here but you still troll this board regularly???? Come on Man! Get the F out of here and get off your soap box!!!!! Everyone knows your story.

Wow, someone needs some mental help.
Still work here, but getting ready to start new job. Yes, you can share your opinion without being a complete a-hole. You should try it sometime.

The moral of this thread.....Biogen doesn't give a shit about you. So do what you need to do. Trust no one and watch out for yourself and do what will help you the most.