Why are You Still Posting on Cephalon Board?


Cepahlon is over. Stop living in the past. If you don't like working at Teva, move on. You are fat, lazy American swine who think the world owes you something. Your sorry ass leadership who bankrolled some big cash in the change of control lost your f&()& company. Shame on you for hanging around and bitching about your situation. Those who post on this site are weak, don't get it, and deserve the worst life has to offer. MOVE THE F*(*S On!!!

Cepahlon is over. Stop living in the past. If you don't like working at Teva, move on. You are fat, lazy American swine who think the world owes you something. Your sorry ass leadership who bankrolled some big cash in the change of control lost your f&()& company. Shame on you for hanging around and bitching about your situation. Those who post on this site are weak, don't get it, and deserve the worst life has to offer. MOVE THE F*(*S On!!!


Cepahlon is over. Stop living in the past. If you don't like working at Teva, move on. You are fat, lazy American swine who think the world owes you something. Your sorry ass leadership who bankrolled some big cash in the change of control lost your f&()& company. Shame on you for hanging around and bitching about your situation. Those who post on this site are weak, don't get it, and deserve the worst life has to offer. MOVE THE F*(*S On!!!

Cephalon lives on. Why don't you go do something about Teva's stock price...What the hell happened over the past year? You'd think the patent cliff would have boosted it through the roof.

Hey, I work at TEVA...Can I work at Cephalon instead?

Funny - too bad the people who profited the most from the "merger" didn't realize what they were destroying. Say what you will but CEPH had some very creative and innovative people who are now moving on (and I'm talking about people across the organization not just reps)

"Creative" and "innovative!" What a joke! I guess that's what you Cephalon people told yourselves when you were selling oncology meds off-label for migraines. Get over yourselves. Everyone is better off without you.

"Creative" and "innovative!" What a joke! I guess that's what you Cephalon people told yourselves when you were selling oncology meds off-label for migraines. Get over yourselves. Everyone is better off without you.

Sorry you got cut. For you to have to walk in on your wife getting railed by a teenager was undeserved, for that I am sorry for you. You did deserve to lose your job though. Deep breath, relax, repeat.

Sorry you got cut. For you to have to walk in on your wife getting railed by a teenager was undeserved, for that I am sorry for you. You did deserve to lose your job though. Deep breath, relax, repeat.

You are obviously not one of those "creative" or "innovative" Ceph reps. But at least you don't deny the fact that you and your colleagues are criminals.