Why are you still at Galderma?


If you’re still working at Galderma, you really need to ask yourself why, and, if you’re even capable of being hired elsewhere.
It’s indelible on your resume, and you can’t escape because you are then part of the failed organization. In an interview, how will you explain the shit show, because it you shit on the company, people won’t hire you because you’re a whiner and you don’t take on accountability. Then, if you have any talent, you’ll be gone.

All of you suckers need to get the hell out. Thomas & Flemming don't care about you. They screw everyone. Galderma is a dump and there is no career advancement. The place is being prepared for sale. The “geniuses” are set up with the Golden Parachute. All they care about is their own $.

I struggle to find anything in this world that is worse than working for Galderma. Simply put, Thomas & Flemming put money over everything. they are ruthless, uncaring and full of $hit

People stay here because they can't go anywhere else. No one will hire anyone from a third rate company. Galderma is full of second hand, never did anything in their career, losers that couldn't get hired anywhere else. This place is fucking Loserville where people go to kill their career.

Do you need to feel a sense of accomplishment or find value from your job? If so Galderma is not for you. However, if you have the ability to not care if you make a difference in the world and not care if you just zombie through the day than this is a great company!