Why are we even having a national meeting

Nothing to worry about. The Scientific Process will prevail in protecting you against Covid. There's a great deal to celebrate! Look at our stock performance and huge sales were producing. Let's do this!!!

Nothing to worry about. The Scientific Process will prevail in protecting you against Covid. There's a great deal to celebrate! Look at our stock performance and huge sales were producing. Let's do this!!!

What a stupid fucking theme. Our people our future is ridiculous. We feel none of this. This is as usual totally tone deaf.

our dickwad leaders
Our misery

much more in tone

Ryan is inexperienced and I think incompetent. This meeting is not necessary and a waste of time. Plus going to the covid pit of Florida with a billion people there is so stupid. Probably put us on a plan for being sick after the meeting. All for what? to tell us to push more BA to our hub?

BA is dead. If anything this should be a farewell funeral meeting. This completely defies any logic or business objective in conducting this sham of a meeting. Do we really think we can turn this around with a skeleton crew and the endless mistakes made since launch. We're paying the price for the initial hiring debacle and the lack of efficacy that BA has. A complete waste of time having a meeting.

BA is dead. If anything this should be a farewell funeral meeting. This completely defies any logic or business objective in conducting this sham of a meeting. Do we really think we can turn this around with a skeleton crew and the endless mistakes made since launch. We're paying the price for the initial hiring debacle and the lack of efficacy that BA has. A complete waste of time having a meeting.

National Sales Meeting for the Scientifically Hired, Highly Tenured Customer Facing Team and now Lipid Trained Experts is the Esperion desperation" Hail Mary " pass to get BA going !

Barely have enough money to keep sales team employed , now wasting money on a meeting. Why almost ever company doing virtual POA’s .
Another solid move by a company on the verge of bankruptcy

This has been a huge cash burn for 3 years. Think about the money Tim wasted staying in 5 star hotels and eating at the best restaurants along with his Ann Arbor cronies. This meeting should just be a mercy killing. Don't drink the lemonade at the breakouts!!

This has been a huge cash burn for 3 years. Think about the money Tim wasted staying in 5 star hotels and eating at the best restaurants along with his Ann Arbor cronies. This meeting should just be a mercy killing. Don't drink the lemonade at the breakouts!!
Agreed - a bigger waste than Biden’s China Olympics

Barely have enough money to keep sales team employed , now wasting money on a meeting. Why almost ever company doing virtual POA’s .
Another solid move by a company on the verge of bankruptcy

Eric us already criticizing us for ASPN. What a joke. So what’s the message for this meeting?

our assholes
our mistake

Maybe Eric can explain why the stock has tanked since him and Sheldon came aboard. Here we are again this morning at $3.50 a share down %1.5 already 1 hour after market opened. Maybe somebody could ask at the big meeting why we were down 30% in last 6 months and a own 90% in last year. Let's see what kind of a reply we hear.

I was sad when I don’t receive the offer two years ago but as time has passed, I realize I dodged a bullet. It is comical how for basically every trio of interviewees, they had one person that the moved on to an in person interview, one person who they lied to and said that they’d receive a cyber interview the following week, and then the third place person who was told that they weren’t getting the job. I understand finishing second but how they could lie to 200 people and tell them that they would have a cyber interview the following week is offensive. I guess that the good news is that I didn’t lose any money that went into ESPPs. Unless someone actually had the brains to withdraw deposits basically at the same time that the deposits were made, the free falling stock had rendered any shares all but worthless. To watch a stock fall by 95% is painful. I am confident though that a national meeting will right the ship and turn $45 million in sales for 2021 into easily $48 million in 2022; if, that is, the company increase their prices by 7%…

I was sad when I don’t receive the offer two years ago but as time has passed, I realize I dodged a bullet. It is comical how for basically every trio of interviewees, they had one person that the moved on to an in person interview, one person who they lied to and said that they’d receive a cyber interview the following week, and then the third place person who was told that they weren’t getting the job. I understand finishing second but how they could lie to 200 people and tell them that they would have a cyber interview the following week is offensive. I guess that the good news is that I didn’t lose any money that went into ESPPs. Unless someone actually had the brains to withdraw deposits basically at the same time that the deposits were made, the free falling stock had rendered any shares all but worthless. To watch a stock fall by 95% is painful. I am confident though that a national meeting will right the ship and turn $45 million in sales for 2021 into easily $48 million in 2022; if, that is, the company increase their prices by 7%…

Can someone explain what this post says ?
Sounds like a Scientific Hire want to be !