Why are these annoying and useless case managers here?

The Case Management leadership thinks that they can do EVERYTHING and the RAMS could be eliminated.
There are a couple of case managers and their senior leadership who thing they can do NO wrong and they will do anything they can to roll the RAMS under the bus.
Then you have a few of the RSMs who will attempt to roll their own RAMS under the bus and use the case managers to help them.
The entire organization is one filled with deceit, dishonesty, back-stabbers, and the largest amount of out of marriage affairs I have ever witnessed in pharmaceuticals in my years in the industry. It's so comical to see some of the home office folks at these meetings. They actually think the field is dumb enough to believe what they say on the main stage.
Come on guys, since it was deleted (LOVE YOU) where is that AHUS data publication.
Can't get a major journal to accept it? And why would that be?

Obviously you don't care if your or any other case manager reads this.
For those of us who have been here awhile - we can see you must be one of the newbies.
First all the CM are RNs and should be addressed as such. Where is your license?
Most hold higher degrees than the "Field" staff". At the NSM they were the ones asking the high level clinical questions while you played on your phone. All of them have spent more clinical time actually working side by side with the MDs than than you have met with MDs - (apologies to our Pharmacist and RNs out in field). Even then we got a taste for the messy hospital or infusion rooms and ran to sales. The RN Case Managers are seen as one of "them" (the MD office) not us (sales) The MD offices actually talk to them when we cant get in. Thank God they are seen as RNs and not bag carriers like us. If an account is PO'd its probably because you did not talk with your CM first and stay in guidelines and made promises in MDO you could not back up. She was probably pulling your butt out of the fire - not under the bus.
How long have you been there? Useless! - They are the Goose of your Golden Egg buddy. Wake up. The Case Managers line your pockets. Half those awards given out Monday night were clients who never saw a field person and called in the case. Magic money in your pocket. They do the heavy lifting and you drop off a brochure. Really.
Dont bite the hand that feeds you. And all the pressure we have - they get live and in person - face to face - 5 days a week usually 9-12 hrs a day.
And work on your acting skills -they know who doesn't like them. Who could not see through you. I would throw you under a bus too - She handing you cases (read money) and you whining.
Maybe they are forced to these meetings. What RN wants to spend a week learning marketing messages and grabbing clinical bites. They actually read the articles assigned and delve deeper into the clinical to know the "why" not just the slogan.
Ever think they dont want to go to the NSM??? - they are not eating "your food". After lectures all day they still do their full weeks work! They are still opening and working your cases while you have a rum runner at the bar.
Try working a rare disease case without one. See how easy it is to get that MDO to get that ins auth, the drug shipped and the patient to the infusion. Try doing that patient education by that brochure you leave and the receptionist puts in circular file.
Talk to the Senior sales force. We know who to work this team. Your RN CM can make or break you. the prior is in your wallet.

Applying for position in NJNY area - exactly what does case management do to help us in field? do the get orders and ship? don't get it. I last position they farmed it out to LASH - who only did patient education.

Except teaching patient and office after you blow out of town. Securing a payor. And stopping stops to negate starts. Hmmmm. Nothing. Totally useless filling your pockets with $$$$$