Why are there so many openings?

Many of the jobs lost were related to Angiomax going generic. Despite cutting and reallocating many of the Angiomax sales team we still have a number of openings. On the IDC side of the business we are selling going to sell about $20 million this year in Orbactiv and Minocin but the problem is we are spending close to $45 million on the on sales and marketing for the two products. With a substantial drop in the US and worldwide revenues from Angiomax the current cash bleed is unsustainable and many are seeing the writing on the wall. The result is the turnover and the many openings we have posted.

Worst company in pharma. More folks leaving soon. The best and only reason to take a job at The Medicines Company is... if you are currently unemployed.

Unemployment would be worse. But just barely.

Can someone PLEASE buy us out and end our misery.

This place is like a bad 'made for TV' movie about Bernard Madoff.

Agree completely.

Assassins in the hallway

All for the preservation of one's job...
To secure themselves a seat...

Remember the Titanic..those that had a seat...didn't have a lifeboat.

Can't imagine a worse death than to go down with people that would sell your soul to save that of their own..to keep their job.

I can hear the music...the end is near...the bow will break.

The unsinkable will sink...Enjoy the ride down into the dark abyss of the dark nighttime sea.

Those of the same type ..slither together.