Why are the same people in charge at this company?


So really, look at D+R. The same people are in charge from years ago. If there was really a future for research at B+L a new person would be appointed from outside the organization to pump some new blood into the organization with new ideas and an eye on the future.

Fuck you simple idiot, if you lazy idiots had done your jobs we would have all been in a better position now. You fucking grunts never want to work but butch consistently about us people in charge. Well kiss each of our cheeks very slow, it will give you the new ideas you are looking for.

Fuck you simple idiot, if you lazy idiots had done your jobs we would have all been in a better position now. You fucking grunts never want to work but butch consistently about us people in charge. Well kiss each of our cheeks very slow, it will give you the new ideas you are looking for.

Who ever this is needs to step down and except submission to someone who is a little more polished. Maybe we can get a few gentleman from the east coast or the south to manage us.

So, this is my question. I know there were a few of upper management that didn't make the transition but there are a hell of a lot that did; why the hell does Valeant think the return on investment would be any different than when B&L was independent? This seems like we are recreating the wheel...

So, this is my question. I know there were a few of upper management that didn't make the transition but there are a hell of a lot that did; why the hell does Valeant think the return on investment would be any different than when B&L was independent? This seems like we are recreating the wheel...

Pay one guy from the industry or academia to come in and stir things up a little. Cost would be small but at least some of the same old same old would be challenged.

The problem is Valeant does not care about the future of the company so new different direction does not matter for a company that will not be around two to three years in the future.