Why are the good reps resigning in MN and Dakotas?

I have never posted on this board, but decided that this would be my first post. I agree with the previous poster. SS has all of the leadership qualities you want in a manager, and because she is so well loved and respected, people on her team not only wanted to be successful or themselves, but also to make her proud. I have no idea how this went down, but to say that this is a great loss to Astellas is an understatement!
if it was based on performance, the North Central Area is not Texas or Florida, where access is open, independent HCP'S are the norm, and managed care is favorable.
If performance was the issue....Shame on you Astellas!

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Even our greatest leaders. Most greater leaders leverage the strengths of their people and provide support and training for weaknesses but focus on the strengths NTL
This company has very strange behaviors and inconsistent treatment towards employees. I am sure SS was a good leader and don't doubt that she demonstrated other not so stellar tendencies, but based on her managers and their treatment towards her, I am guessing she did her best. I too tend to think shame on you Astellas.

The Truth is known about MN. I know the higher ups know her status. Can anyone tell me a MGR who has had her whole team flipped in 2 years? I have been here a long time and I don't know of anyone. She will mess up again and just know her mistakes are on her record and can't be removed!

What was erased?

Huh..What was erased. POA meetings at her house with her boyfriend and daughter attending. Reps able to drive home drunk from that. She took sleeping pills and drank and decided to expose herself. She bullied her reps....made threats to them. That is some of the erased goods. LN help the reps left here! please!

I'm joining the ranks, which believe me, makes me feel as yucky as you all do. Which is why we decide to project our own issues on this anonymous (bully) board. As a psychology major, I didn't pursue, which now I wish I would have, it is clear that the angst on these posts are 5 % about the "initials" we post about, and 95% about our own stuff. Don't get me wrong, I have had my moments of having to manage up, having to meet my growth areas in the image of my manager's words, which is hard to hear and digest. But if what you all post about is true, then you are using the wrong venue. Your words don't sound accurate, it's laced with reactivity, subjectivity, and what sounds like revenge. You're losing your power in these posts. It's almost as if you are offending from a victim stance. Let's mature out of the image of what drug reps look like. And I'll start with me. I want to post this and then my commitment is, I won't use this unproductive venue again. Keep your power for good!

I'm joining the ranks, which believe me, makes me feel as yucky as you all do. Which is why we decide to project our own issues on this anonymous (bully) board. As a psychology major, I didn't pursue, which now I wish I would have, it is clear that the angst on these posts are 5 % about the "initials" we post about, and 95% about our own stuff. Don't get me wrong, I have had my moments of having to manage up, having to meet my growth areas in the image of my manager's words, which is hard to hear and digest. But if what you all post about is true, then you are using the wrong venue. Your words don't sound accurate, it's laced with reactivity, subjectivity, and what sounds like revenge. You're losing your power in these posts. It's almost as if you are offending from a victim stance. Let's mature out of the image of what drug reps look like. And I'll start with me. I want to post this and then my commitment is, I won't use this unproductive venue again. Keep your power for good!