Why Am I Here?


Had to leave my family for a hastily called DBL gathering to hear what will be the same ol same ol with a few trinkets maybe thrown at us. No plan that will make sense or any meaningful long term changes. How did we come to this as a company? Who let it happen. Losing Viv soon. AM one month going generic sooner than I'm being told. Liscensing revenue fro J&J and others going away... No pipiline, micromanaged, goals and sales credit purposely manipulated and pay increases 5% below inflation for the past 4 years. Do better Erick, Todd and Rich. People running to get out of here. Only positive for ALKS about this meeting is we can't interview or phone screen during it but our tbm's are!

I just received my IDP email so there must be so much awesome developmental opportunities that will lead to promotion and pay raises.

OMG, this place is a joke. Can’t wait to get the fuck out of here.

Same shit recycled and repackaged to attempt to look enticing, they are so out of touch! Look out Alkermes, BMS is going to decimate this division. So many leaving, and this could have been minimized.

Had to leave my family for a hastily called DBL gathering to hear what will be the same ol same ol with a few trinkets maybe thrown at us. No plan that will make sense or any meaningful long term changes. How did we come to this as a company? Who let it happen. Losing Viv soon. AM one month going generic sooner than I'm being told. Liscensing revenue fro J&J and others going away... No pipiline, micromanaged, goals and sales credit purposely manipulated and pay increases 5% below inflation for the past 4 years. Do better Erick, Todd and Rich. People running to get out of here. Only positive for ALKS about this meeting is we can't interview or phone screen during it but our tbm's are!

Any half way intelligent self respecting professional is actively searching or should have an exit strategy to leave ALKS. Life can be great outside of ALKS but one has to get off their ass and want to better themselves.

Why are any of us here? Because we believed. We believed they were going to buy something. They've told us that for years. They haven't. We believed the oncology spin off would result in stock. It did. You can buy a pizza without toppings if you sell your shares. We believed Viv would be sold through 29'. It won't be. We believed we had a pipeline. ? We believed Lybalvi would be a billion dollar blockbuster. It's not. We honestly believed goals were set fairly and not manipulated to put the "favorites" in place to win. We believed that our leadership would never manipulate the goals to reward their pets and punish those they are threatened by. We were wrong. It's done. We believed the stock would go up eventually. RP said so. Wrong. We believed we were valued. Nope. "everyone can be replaced" is the mission statement. Face it. The C Suite is fine. They have millions in stock. They can run everyone out and watch it all fold and they are still rich. The Board, like many of us, believed too. Alkermes is in deep trouble. It's that simple. They've let it go on way too long. If you are not looking to leave you must be set financially or ignorant. Perhaps in denial. Either way these are facts. I personally am leaving as soon as I can. And I'll be very sad to leave what could have been and should have been a wonderful company that took a beautiful culture and spit all over it. And those responsible sleep just fine at night.

Well said, let me tell you those that don’t heed your words have their heads in the sand! I have my bucket of popcorn I’m sitting and waiting for the buyout, sell off or implosion coming because it’s going to be the worst show on earth or a horrible car accident that no one can look away from. There is life after Alkermes believe me it’s healthier, happier and liberating to know one is not being managed by complete and utter incompetence! These is not one single manager that can truly call themselves a coach. They are processes of information and tasks doing the will of the corporate leadership for their paycheck, healthcare and existence. In this case the grass is 1000% percent greener on the other side of the fence.

This place is like the Bernie Madoff scandal, everyone knows something can’t be right but they continue to invest in it (time and career wise). The game is over and they are certainly not going to right the ship, I heard about “the meeting” this week and it was a bigger joke than the company itself. The only ones to blame are the obstinate C-suite imbeciles ignoring every sign of a major catastrophe. Let’s circle back and revisit this in two months and see the outcome

All great posts. I just can't see a way out of the spot management has gotten un into without massive cuts. We are losing vivitrol in less than 2 years so sales team will be cut within 3 quarters and screwed in bonus starting now. Liscensing revenue from JnJ done within 9 months. That's at least a $350M hit right from our net. Generic AM 1 month late this year early next so good bye all Aristada except 1064. What's left? Lybalvi?? I can't even see another company wanting to buy us. Add in poor goal setting, manipulated sales credit, micromanagement and constant activity pressure and the choice is clear. Salaries haven't kept up with the industry either. I'm sad. I used to love working here.