Whose dumb idea was the July Vaccines expansion


Too bad. It’s on you for not ensuring you are skilled enough to find work anytime vs faking calls to pick up your kids. At least us in brand actually work. Not saying it’s perfect

LOL, this is typical of the stuff they do, happened a couple of years ago in I & I. they hired a GI sales force 6 months before 40% layoffs, Absolutely NO respect for people and it seems no one has any clue what's going on,............ including worthless Albert and the rest of the leadership idiots that can't move the stock price. They get 30% pay increases and the workers get 3%. I agree PFE needs a total reorg,.......at the top!
Listen to your managers spewing the lies that your division doesn't need to worry about it, because you contribute the most to the company's bottom line, every division spews the same rhetoric.

140+ reps hired in July… what was that, a 40% increase in our sales force size… and now this?? Total failure of leadership and transparency
ummmmm actually this was all planned. Hired young, inexperienced, cheap & brain-washable college grads to replace bloated, over paid white reps just hanging on for retirement. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. 80% or more of the new hires will remain and Pfizer will slash and burn the rest of the old folks (unless you are part of their DE&I expansion). But they will keep just enough to make sure that they do not open themselves up to litigation. This place is a law firm that happens to sell drugs...

Wish everybody luck. But it will be a blood bath. Did Big AL offer to take a pay cut to help offset some of these cost....of course not. He probably will get a bonus, just like the one he gave himself last year. Just like when he magically exercised a junk of his stock options when the Covid vaccine was approved and the share price hit a 52 week high.

Save yourself. Go on short term leave. Claim mental anguish. Then come back and identify as a disabled black lesbian and you will collect a pay check for the rest of your life.

ummmmm actually this was all planned. Hired young, inexperienced, cheap & brain-washable college grads to replace bloated, over paid white reps just hanging on for retirement. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. 80% or more of the new hires will remain and Pfizer will slash and burn the rest of the old folks (unless you are part of their DE&I expansion). But they will keep just enough to make sure that they do not open themselves up to litigation. This place is a law firm that happens to sell drugs...

Wish everybody luck. But it will be a blood bath. Did Big AL offer to take a pay cut to help offset some of these cost....of course not. He probably will get a bonus, just like the one he gave himself last year. Just like when he magically exercised a junk of his stock options when the Covid vaccine was approved and the share price hit a 52 week high.

Save yourself. Go on short term leave. Claim mental anguish. Then come back and identify as a disabled black lesbian and you will collect a pay check for the rest of your life.

ummmmm actually this was all planned. Hired young, inexperienced, cheap & brain-washable college grads to replace bloated, over paid white reps just hanging on for retirement. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. 80% or more of the new hires will remain and Pfizer will slash and burn the rest of the old folks (unless you are part of their DE&I expansion). But they will keep just enough to make sure that they do not open themselves up to litigation. This place is a law firm that happens to sell drugs...

Wish everybody luck. But it will be a blood bath. Did Big AL offer to take a pay cut to help offset some of these cost....of course not. He probably will get a bonus, just like the one he gave himself last year. Just like when he magically exercised a junk of his stock options when the Covid vaccine was approved and the share price hit a 52 week high.

Save yourself. Go on short term leave. Claim mental anguish. Then come back and identify as a disabled black lesbian and you will collect a pay check for the rest of your life.
Yes. Play the DEI card, because easily a third of our field force is Black, Hispanic, Asian or Lesbian. They will never get fired! :)

LOL, this is typical of the stuff they do, happened a couple of years ago in I & I. they hired a GI sales force 6 months before 40% layoffs, Absolutely NO respect for people and it seems no one has any clue what's going on,............ including worthless Albert and the rest of the leadership idiots that can't move the stock price. They get 30% pay increases and the workers get 3%. I agree PFE needs a total reorg,.......at the top!
Listen to your managers spewing the lies that your division doesn't need to worry about it, because you contribute the most to the company's bottom line, every division spews the same rhetoric.

The I&I derm RBD said I&I is safe. I’d like to believe him.
Yup and that’s exactly what the oncology RBD said. You know what…I can almost guarantee IM RBD, Rare Disease RBD, Vaccine RBD, so on & so forth also said the same. It’s this way every time. Here’s the fact: even the RBDs don’t know yet. It’s all the same script. You’re a fool if you believe them.

Yup and that’s exactly what the oncology RBD said. You know what…I can almost guarantee IM RBD, Rare Disease RBD, Vaccine RBD, so on & so forth also said the same. It’s this way every time. Here’s the fact: even the RBDs don’t know yet. It’s all the same script. You’re a fool if you believe them.

WH rbd didn’t say that at all.. uh oh

ummmmm actually this was all planned. Hired young, inexperienced, cheap & brain-washable college grads to replace bloated, over paid white reps just hanging on for retirement. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. 80% or more of the new hires will remain and Pfizer will slash and burn the rest of the old folks (unless you are part of their DE&I expansion). But they will keep just enough to make sure that they do not open themselves up to litigation. This place is a law firm that happens to sell drugs...

Wish everybody luck. But it will be a blood bath. Did Big AL offer to take a pay cut to help offset some of these cost....of course not. He probably will get a bonus, just like the one he gave himself last year. Just like when he magically exercised a junk of his stock options when the Covid vaccine was approved and the share price hit a 52 week high.

Save yourself. Go on short term leave. Claim mental anguish. Then come back and identify as a disabled black lesbian and you will collect a pay check for the rest of your life.

Short-term leave does not protect you from a layoff in ANY way. In fact, short-term leave is a paid benefit and ends when your employment ends. I think you may be confusing it with FMLA...which offers some job protection but not in the event of mass layoffs.

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