Who's the best S&N person from each state

No one has anything better to do than post a question like this?

SN isn't perfect....NO company is! If you don't like the company, products, leaders or the culture go the hell on. I have been around almost ten years and sold every product from Blue Sky to Allevyn to PICO. Many leaders have been through the revolving door. Wait your turn or step aside and do your job!

Exactly - same person on here saying that for 6 months, who were they? Were there even legit rankings last year for device?

TN, KG, managers (JH), some SBMs and several other reps who were making numbers. Why should they have to choose relocation so the pharma reps who sell Oasis could take over there spot? Last I checked, SNN bought Healthpoint. You would never know it based on the moves that were made. The first two reps both went on the P-Club trip last year. So yeah, I'm pretty sure the rankings were legit you douche.

While we are in the topi of numbers, half the country is underwater. There are only a handful of reps that are making number. The top rep in the country, ML is getting shafted bc of shady rankings that are favoring the Healthpoint side. You actually think these pharma reps are going to be able to sell tNPWT using the pharma approach? Not a chance in hell!

Sound like a bitter little bitch. There were many scraps from the old neg pressure side who made the cut and are failing miserably to sell PICO and oasis. So maybe the pharma model is the way to go.