Who's next

Hay sales team. Just to bring you up to date, Operations management has begun to terminate the worker "bees" in Operations. And guess what, Mr. Leo Rotondaro still does not have the guts to do it face to face he has chosen to notify the employees via the telephone. Someone really ought to be looking at positions such as his. Can anyone tell me exactly what he contributes. Other total wastes are members of his Operations team such as Deanna Franke, Yvonne Lavalee, Deanna Peaden and the so called purchasing agent Rick Whitzke. Lets look at dead wood rather employees that are extremely productive on a day to day basis. I guess that I will be hearing from Leo soon.

How many "worker bees" were terminated today? And are we talking Accessioning, NMR, Chemistry, GRS - those operations folks? May not want to answer my phone today in that case. . . .

Phil can only lose a few more top reps before the board calls him out for being unable to keep the sales team together. Unfortunately he will be coming down on the regional managers to take control of this problem that he caused.

Most the venting should be done soon. The company has scaled back. Peeps need to move on. Citigroup shafted shareholders and so did many companies in a restrusturing. This move by new management was needed since they are public and accountable to shareholders. Whoever is left standing has a golden opportunity for a nice career. I feel for all those who lost their jobs, but this life is full of trials, there can be something good to learn from this. All the babby talk and whining should be done soon. Glta