Who's excited about Nasotuss?

who cares!! its a niche product for your relationship doctors who like codeine, relationships equals sales. have you not figured this out yet?ill take it and sell a little,we have a ton of stuff to sell and this is just rounding out your profile. Quit being such a negative puss, leave already!! I bet your that guy or gal who thinks you deserve to make a hundred grand because youre so unique, haha get a grip nerd.

Another brilliant response from a Hawthorn lifer. Keep drinking that koolaid! When you go to the doctor and he prescribes you something that is Tier 3 or higher and your pharmacist tells you he can fill it with an equivalent or near equivalent product for a generic copay, do you insist on shelling out your $40, $50,$75 or higher copay because you need that Brand Name product?? If you do you are a fool. We're not talking statins or transplant drugs here.

Another brilliant response from a Hawthorn lifer. Keep drinking that koolaid! When you go to the doctor and he prescribes you something that is Tier 3 or higher and your pharmacist tells you he can fill it with an equivalent or near equivalent product for a generic copay, do you insist on shelling out your $40, $50,$75 or higher copay because you need that Brand Name product?? If you do you are a fool. We're not talking statins or transplant drugs here.

Too bad youre so pathetic and is probably the reason you have to bitch so much. Its obvious you suck in sales and have nothing better to do. A true salesman will sell ice to an eskimo- not throw up your hands in defeat because there is ice all around dip shit. Try getting laid- you might have a little less tension and negativity. Then again, maybe you bitch about that too- boring? same position every night? done it the same way for the past month? Let us freaks drinking the kool-aid make all the money while you sit there feeling sorry for yourself, Mr./Mrs. Missionary. And who knows, maybe you can learn a lil doggy style, inverted rider, or froggy- add some spice to your life. Maybe you'll learn how to sell again. No! You're that one that has applied to 5 different other pharm. companies but can't jump ship because you suck and can't get past a second interview. Stuck at hawthorn drinking our Tier II kool-aid. Too bad our DM's can't see through pathetic sales reps that put up a good front. Plenty of people dying to have your job and would do 100% better than you. DM's Circumcise your cancer!!!

Sooooo.....basically, management sucks so bad that they cannot navigate a 40 year old hydrocodone drug through the FDA? So what do they do? They bring out the one thats not requiring approval for sale. Codiene! Brilliant! This just shows how bad you guys suck at getting things done.

You should all be thankful that you have a job. Just look around you. Pharma, both small and large, are cutting headcount dramtically. If I were you I would get off my ASS and effectively sell whatever is give to me. The alternative is not pretty. Check the current unemployment rate. It is being reported at 9.8% but most experts agree that it is closer to 15%. Be thankful that you have a job and work to deserve it.

ooooo! Gooood one!! How old are you 10? Dumb Ass
OMG you guys are such babies....THERE ARE TONS OF JOBS OUT THERE. If you've been at Hawshit for even CLOSE to a year, you can GET OUT and GET A REAL JOB. Stop crying about unemployment. Device and DME, Biotech, and Disposables...hell even a real Pharma (if you want that) is HAPPY to hire people from Hawthorn with just a year in. And YES....you will make AT LEAST DOUBLE, and you will not believe how much LESS you will have to work with SO MANY MORE benefits, car, budget, gas, credit card.....the list goes on. EVERY half ass company offers these things. Yes Hawthorn is not even half ass.

ANY REP complaining about this company is right....BUT....you also have yourself to blame for choosing to and STAYING with a disgusting, unethical, low-life run, redneck, poor mans's excuse for a 'pharma' job. You are SELLING cough medicine for Christ's sake!!!!

How can anyone, including your Drs, AND YOU, take you seriously. You make HORRIBLE money, get lied to daily, have 'products' that are laughable and found mostly on OTC counters in Walgreens and have to run your car in the ground and ACT like you have a good job???

I understand if you started here for experience and Dr relationships, but after about a year, you really need to move on. There is SO MUCH MONEY out there once you do this....for those who choose to stay. Don't complain. Just embrace your poverty stricken lifestyle, car repairs and ignorant, childish voicemails all day. Go get those timed signatures....(talk about babysitting) and tell your friends and family you have a 'pharma' job....but you and I know the truth. You have a joke. GET OUT....or shut up.

ooooo! Gooood one!! How old are you 10? Dumb Ass

Are you saying that you disagree with this?? Don't worry, I don't think the FDA trolls this website. It is true that reps are encouraged to sell this way. You know it, everyone who is or has been at this company knows that to be true. They turn their heads the other way and deny it, but yes you are encouraged to remind doctors that hydrocodone - a highly effective cough suppresent - is the main ingredient, but that Zamicet is indicated for pain. Pretty sneaky! wink wink.

You very well could have the IQ of the average ghetto 10 year old if you did not pick up on this.