I am sure it will be flying off the shelf! It will have a high copay, won't be in any drs computers and they can get phenergan with codeine for $8. Whoo hoo!
Another brilliant response from a Hawthorn lifer. Keep drinking that koolaid! When you go to the doctor and he prescribes you something that is Tier 3 or higher and your pharmacist tells you he can fill it with an equivalent or near equivalent product for a generic copay, do you insist on shelling out your $40, $50,$75 or higher copay because you need that Brand Name product?? If you do you are a fool. We're not talking statins or transplant drugs here.
What about your manager who promotes Zamicet for cough and the flu...
OMG you guys are such babies....THERE ARE TONS OF JOBS OUT THERE. If you've been at Hawshit for even CLOSE to a year, you can GET OUT and GET A REAL JOB. Stop crying about unemployment. Device and DME, Biotech, and Disposables...hell even a real Pharma (if you want that) is HAPPY to hire people from Hawthorn with just a year in. And will make AT LEAST DOUBLE, and you will not believe how much LESS you will have to work with SO MANY MORE benefits, car, budget, gas, credit card.....the list goes on. EVERY half ass company offers these things. Yes Hawthorn is not even half ass.ooooo! Gooood one!! How old are you 10? Dumb Ass
ooooo! Gooood one!! How old are you 10? Dumb Ass