Who wins? Amgen, Novartis or Regeneron??


This will be a pissing contest but Novartis has the pill and they may be the ones to beat. Amgen has hired a bunch of idiots and Regeneron????Not so sure. Please share any info you may have.

This will be a pissing contest but Novartis has the pill and they may be the ones to beat. Amgen has hired a bunch of idiots and Regeneron????Not so sure. Please share any info you may have.

Novartis is too far away to worry about. Regeneron has the better drug but Amgen the better contracting and CV team with boots already on the ground.

Novartis is too far away to worry about. Regeneron has the better drug but Amgen the better contracting and CV team with boots already on the ground.

Amgen will win the greatest market share. They have the greatest support and reputation. Their reps have already been out in the field. Regeneron will be a second choice product.

I work for the Eyelea division and I have to say this is the worst company I have ever worked for and I am currently interviewing. This company is the King of micromanagement and useless bug PHARMA processes. I don't know why people are trying to come onboard so badly. At least reach out to your local Eyelea counterpart and get the real deal what this company is like. Someone mentioned this earlier that the interview process is stupid and over the top. This is your first sign.

I work for the Eyelea division and I have to say this is the worst company I have ever worked for and I am currently interviewing. This company is the King of micromanagement and useless bug PHARMA processes. I don't know why people are trying to come onboard so badly. At least reach out to your local Eyelea counterpart and get the real deal what this company is like. Someone mentioned this earlier that the interview process is stupid and over the top. This is your first sign.

I did speak to a current rep and he/she told me the exact same thing but I decided to go to Dallas for my interview and what a mistake. This was as big pharma of an interview as it gets and I could tell immediately by the set up that this is not the place for me. I also feel like based on the recruiting process that this will be a micromanaged disaster, and the co-promote with Sanofi no thank ya!

I did speak to a current rep and he/she told me the exact same thing but I decided to go to Dallas for my interview and what a mistake. This was as big pharma of an interview as it gets and I could tell immediately by the set up that this is not the place for me. I also feel like based on the recruiting process that this will be a micromanaged disaster, and the co-promote with Sanofi no thank ya!

Oh no....will they reimburse your expenses if you don't take the job ???
Must have cost a fortune to fly all these people out to Dallas

I work for the Eyelea division and I have to say this is the worst company I have ever worked for and I am currently interviewing. This company is the King of micromanagement and useless bug PHARMA processes. I don't know why people are trying to come onboard so badly. At least reach out to your local Eyelea counterpart and get the real deal what this company is like. Someone mentioned this earlier that the interview process is stupid and over the top. This is your first sign.

Based on the fact that you can't spell Eylea it's unlikely that you are a real poster. Eylea's culture is pretty good right now.

Based on the fact that you can't spell Eylea it's unlikely that you are a real poster. Eylea's culture is pretty good right now.

Yes, sorry I am an Eylea rep and sometimes my iPhone auto-types words and I wasn't paying attention as I was typing fast. I really don't care if you believe me or not.

Ya think?
One month isn't enough lead time.
the Amgen reps already in the door and making appts.
Sanofi useless

I can tell you from experience that first in does not gaurantee success. The company that has the best grasp on "ease of getting on" which equates to less headaches for physicians and staff is the one that wins. This also means having favorable managed care access.

I can tell you from experience that first in does not gaurantee success. The company that has the best grasp on "ease of getting on" which equates to less headaches for physicians and staff is the one that wins. This also means having favorable managed care access.

This is so true re: the company that can make things easiest for staff. If they have to deal with five of these a day they're under a desk. The one that has a streamlined process stands out. Believe. And re 'ease of getting on' you refer to formularies?

Amgen has the subQ experience & they are already out there. However it is still anyone's game.

Nothing gives a flying fudge about sub q experience. I'm sure the HCP's and staff who are executing the prior authorization/medical exception process really give a rats ass either. The company who partners with and lessens the burden for the office/institution wins. If a monkey came in with product and eliminated the ass ache.. the monkey wins every time. And guess what, no sub q experience..

Nothing gives a flying fudge about sub q experience. I'm sure the HCP's and staff who are executing the prior authorization/medical exception process really give a rats ass either. The company who partners with and lessens the burden for the office/institution wins. If a monkey came in with product and eliminated the ass ache.. the monkey wins every time. And guess what, no sub q experience..

YES ABSOLUTELY!!!! Thank you. Path of least resistance is what it's all about.

Nothing gives a flying fudge about sub q experience. I'm sure the HCP's and staff who are executing the prior authorization/medical exception process really give a rats ass either. The company who partners with and lessens the burden for the office/institution wins. If a monkey came in with product and eliminated the ass ache.. the monkey wins every time. And guess what, no sub q experience..

You sound very bitter and dumb. Not a good combo.