Who will take the fall?


How can you have so much turnover and no one at the top is held accountable? So many good surgical reps are gone and the response we hear..... "my hands are tied". If your Director or VP lays this line on you, get out as soon as possible! My guess is that CH and BH have their asses covered so who is next in line? At some point someone will take the fall.....

How can you have so much turnover and no one at the top is held accountable? So many good surgical reps are gone and the response we hear..... "my hands are tied". If your Director or VP lays this line on you, get out as soon as possible! My guess is that CH and BH have their asses covered so who is next in line? At some point someone will take the fall.....
How can BH & CH have their asses covered? BH has been here for 25years & been in the same role for years, he just keeps watching good people go? CH has been towards the top of B+L surgical for years now, he did nothing while he ran Storz, did even less while he was in charge of marketing and has had more reps leave since he was put in charge than in the history of B+L. The guy can't formulate a complete sentence without 80% of it being "uh, er, ah". They need to cut the top loose before they sink the entire ship...CH, BH, AP, and JL. BH can retire the other three are DONE in ophthalmology, predominantly bc they don't have one functioning brain between the three of them but worse they are spineless cowards.

How can you have so much turnover and no one at the top is held accountable? So many good surgical reps are gone and the response we hear..... "my hands are tied". If your Director or VP lays this line on you, get out as soon as possible! My guess is that CH and BH have their asses covered so who is next in line? At some point someone will take the fall.....

"My hands are tied"? And that's what Valeant calls a leader? CH, AP, and JL better be practicing their Houdini moves then because lines like that, to people who are trying to give you a heads up will guarantee that no one is around to help when they need it. Anyone in a leadership role that is not listening to the field, or worse giving bullshit cliches for excuses has at some point made ill-informed, uneducated decisions that will come back to bite them in the ass. It's one thing to be inert and inadequate (think CH, BH, AP and JL's entire career) but it's a whole other thing to be a worthless disaster (think past four months) and arrogant to boot?!? Well, boys that just means you are officially on your own moving forward...best of luck, you are so screwed.

CH, BH, JL, and AP should take the fall they have all been apart of the "leadership" for over 3 years, so let the guilty pay. They will be cut loose any day now, with the sale of Salix falling through we will need to be sold and every other company knows the disastrous state we have been in & who is to blame. These four couldn't sell their way out of a paper bag using all their brain power together. Even of we don't get sold its only a matter of time until Valeant figures out how much the massive turn-overs, ill planned reorganizations, and illegal activity has cost them. Say bug-eye to the four worthless musketeers!

How can BH & CH have their asses covered? BH has been here for 25years & been in the same role for years, he just keeps watching good people go? CH has been towards the top of B+L surgical for years now, he did nothing while he ran Storz, did even less while he was in charge of marketing and has had more reps leave since he was put in charge than in the history of B+L. The guy can't formulate a complete sentence without 80% of it being "uh, er, ah". They need to cut the top loose before they sink the entire ship...CH, BH, AP, and JL. BH can retire the other three are DONE in ophthalmology, predominantly bc they don't have one functioning brain between the three of them but worse they are spineless cowards.

I flush more valuable, interesting, and intelligent things down the toilet than these fucking idiots. Please, let's all band together and figure out how to get rid of these scumbags.

CH, BH, JL, and AP should take the fall they have all been apart of the "leadership" for over 3 years, so let the guilty pay. They will be cut loose any day now, with the sale of Salix falling through we will need to be sold and every other company knows the disastrous state we have been in & who is to blame. These four couldn't sell their way out of a paper bag using all their brain power together. Even of we don't get sold its only a matter of time until Valeant figures out how much the massive turn-overs, ill planned reorganizations, and illegal activity has cost them. Say bug-eye to the four worthless musketeers!

They can't be cut loose soon enough. Let's make that shit happen. Their combined IQ is less than 10.

How can you have so much turnover and no one at the top is held accountable? So many good surgical reps are gone and the response we hear..... "my hands are tied". If your Director or VP lays this line on you, get out as soon as possible! My guess is that CH and BH have their asses covered so who is next in line? At some point someone will take the fall.....

Good Surgical reps? Where? certainly not on the north American continent. Asia has been kicking the US ass for the past 4 years - without even trying and without bitching, moaning, whining, and complaining about not having new bells and whistles every year. Just go away. Your absence won't be noticed.

They can't be cut loose soon enough. Let's make that shit happen. Their combined IQ is less than 10.

Another surgical manager and equipment rep put in their notice this week. Come on Valeant reps don't leave jobs when they have real leaders in charge. CH, BH, AP, and JL have never sold one iol between the four of them, get rid of them before they are the only ones left.

Another surgical manager and equipment rep put in their notice this week. Come on Valeant reps don't leave jobs when they have real leaders in charge. CH, BH, AP, and JL have never sold one iol between the four of them, get rid of them before they are the only ones left.

Who left? Seems like they're trying to keep it quiet when people leave now.

Who left? Seems like they're trying to keep it quiet when people leave now.
Manager on the East Coast and FL equipment rep. Yes, my manager actually got pissed at me when I mentioned it. He told me I wasn't supposed to know that?! Please tell me these fuys aren't this dumb? Do they really think we don't know what's going on? We get paid and ranked on dollars, they get paid on MBOs...yes I know that makes no sense to pay Sales Managers on MBOs. Unless you consider that CH, BH, AP, & JL are the idiots who think this is how you run a sales organization.

Manager on the East Coast and FL equipment rep. Yes, my manager actually got pissed at me when I mentioned it. He told me I wasn't supposed to know that?! Please tell me these fuys aren't this dumb? Do they really think we don't know what's going on? We get paid and ranked on dollars, they get paid on MBOs...yes I know that makes no sense to pay Sales Managers on MBOs. Unless you consider that CH, BH, AP, & JL are the idiots who think this is how you run a sales organization.
Yes, they are this dumb. Why has no filed a class action yet? No other company has the vast differences in territory dollar value and considering we just went through a reorganization in October there is no excuse for this. Then you look at the different prices that reps are allowed to offer customers and it's a home run. We have reps that have gotten deals denied that were within corporate agreements bc other reps were gouging customers and don't want to have to lower theirs? How is that possible? Then look at the equipment we have parked all over the country, some reps, managers, directors get away with it others don't. This place is going down and the more reps that leave the more this info gets out.

Yes, they are this dumb. Why has no filed a class action yet? No other company has the vast differences in territory dollar value and considering we just went through a reorganization in October there is no excuse for this. Then you look at the different prices that reps are allowed to offer customers and it's a home run. We have reps that have gotten deals denied that were within corporate agreements bc other reps were gouging customers and don't want to have to lower theirs? How is that possible? Then look at the equipment we have parked all over the country, some reps, managers, directors get away with it others don't. This place is going down and the more reps that leave the more this info gets out.

This place is unraveling by the moment several customers in the forced B+L to buy back equipment they used for over 2 years?! That's doesn't happen unless that customer had information on the company, reps, leadership or information the FDA or some other legal group. Say bye to the lazy fat heads that sat around and never bothered to learn that stuff is illegal now days! Ha ha this is going to be so fun to watch...Loosers!