Agreed. Was a GREAT company and I was HAPPY every day I got up and was proud to go work. Now I am ashamed and find myself looking for hot skewers to gouge my eyes out daily.


Loved working here for my first ten years. It was a great company. After 2009 it went to hell.


Agreed. The new GMs in the OUs brought in a culture of saying that you are valued - just a bunch of BS. Instead, one GM in particular brought in the Six Sigma way of doing things, treating his people poorly until they quit or they got fired. From then on the culture went down hill VERY quickly and landed us where we are today.

I want out too!!!!!

Sick of the bullying ways of doing business. Yes you have to babysit some people but those of us who are capable are not going to be motivated by this.
I really want out but an not going without a severance.

Sad enough... I want OUT!

This is not the company I was SO PROUD of in the early 2000...
It's heartbreaking the GREED that has DESTROYED a great company.

Praying for everyone as we transition!

I want out and so does everyone I know who is worth anything. We know we will land on our feet. The ones who want to stay have no transferable skills and are lazy- so they want to stay.

HUGELY disappointed that voluntary severances are not being offered. Know so many who have had it with this new culture and all the screw-ups since Galvus. We can't get anything right and at the town hall, THEY want to decide which people with experience and skill sets they want to keep??!!!??????? Give me a break. Please, Novartis, reconsider the voluntary severances. Make way for people who actually would want to be here.

HUGELY disappointed that voluntary severances are not being offered. Know so many who have had it with this new culture and all the screw-ups since Galvus. We can't get anything right and at the town hall, THEY want to decide which people with experience and skill sets they want to keep??!!!??????? Give me a break. Please, Novartis, reconsider the voluntary severances. Make way for people who actually would want to be here.

Couldn't agree more. Tired of all the "more accountability" corporate speak from EH when they have rarely been accountable to anyone but themselves for epic failures (bringing products to market, bad data, rigged goals, different product mixes quarter to quarter, etc). It just shows the severance packages, though generous for sure, are only to prevent an avalanche of legal action from displaced reps...and not because our well-being is their chief concern.

Couldn't agree more. Tired of all the "more accountability" corporate speak from EH when they have rarely been accountable to anyone but themselves for epic failures (bringing products to market, bad data, rigged goals, different product mixes quarter to quarter, etc). It just shows the severance packages, though generous for sure, are only to prevent an avalanche of legal action from displaced reps...and not because our well-being is their chief concern.

Either way..... Gimme the F-ing money. I'm outta here!


I have seen many people running scared that they will be let go, and I don't mind leaving with a few months' worth of 'just in case' money. How sad would it be if they decide to let go of the afraid and leave me here at this miserable shell of a company with a job that someone else would have been more happy to keep?

I hope I am retained. I enjoy my job, my interactions with my customers, and the friends I have had the privilege to make in the last ten years here at Novartis. I have transferable skills, have been successful in consumer products, retail, facilities management, and pharmaceuticals with two different organizations. If you want to go, I hope you get your wish, and am sad that you don't have a voluntary option. Good luck to you all. TGBTG