there is NO WAY B&L is worth 10 billion. They are on PLUTO. Since when does a boat load of debt and buying other companies bad debt and adding it to your paultry earnings equal valuation. PLUTO.
That article was so poorly written it sounds like it came out of our HQ and NJ just put it on their letter head.
800 million, on a dated RX brand and no real pipeline.
if valued at 5 times earnings, 4 Billion would be generous, and that's without figuring out revenue losses due to patent cliffs. They want 12 times earnings? PLUTO!
Wow!!! The news is buzzing about the possible sale of this company. Should happen soon.
Don't listen to your managers view on your future in this company because everything in this company will be different once the buyer is announced. Get ready for a really bumpy ride.
Wow!!! The news is buzzing about the possible sale of this company. Should happen soon.
Don't listen to your managers view on your future in this company because everything in this company will be different once the buyer is announced. Get ready for a really bumpy ride.
I've read the articles posted this weekend from Bloomburg and the D&C. The D&C article said that if bought there could be layoffs if there are job duplications throughout the combined company. We should hope for an IPO as there is a better chance of us keeping our jobs if the company is not sold.
Can't see that kind of money being paid if the company is not broken up into attractive components. E.g J&J won't being interested in the contact lens business (as the technology is already a decade behind them) unless there are patents they are after. However J&J could be interested in the CL solutions and certainly the base ocular surgical and pharma elements to help them with rapid market access in those areas. WP have failed B&L catastrophically imo.
Lansdale headquarters at MRK Attended a high level meeting where new maps drawn re: probable talent versus landscape. Some layoffs but not atrocious. Competing reps will compete for the position
ophthalmic reps at merck are happy. some ex B&Ler's there.
imagine kk and Ps will finally be dust if merck buys. can't see their jobs not being duplicate at merck. hope so.
Inside here. It's Merck. You heard it here first!!!
spoke to a merck rep the other day. known for a long time. very happy. good culture. no micro. kk won't know what to do with herself