Who to tell???


I left my employer, a distributor due to some shady deals going down. I’m now wondering who to contact about one of the problems that seems easy to take care of, but don’t want to get in the middle of a huge mess, as I had nothing to do with it.

Here’s the quick story: A rep was working for company B, not the distribution company I worked for and started working with Company A, the distribution company I worked for, while remaining at B. I wouldn’t care if that rep was representing totally different products, but they were the same exact products and copying the exact quotes from company B and just adding Company A’s name to the top to undercut company B as my company was giving a larger commission. I was pushed down in my duties due to this, as that rep and my boss had worked together at Company B before my boss was fired, and that rep already had an established territory, which overlapped into my territory and I have a feeling they were using my name on quotes so they wouldn’t get caught. I’m unsure of who to contact, thought about contacting Company B, the one the rep is stealing quotes from and back stabbing, but really don’t feel like be tangled in something that could lead to many more problems, but really want this to come to an end as I left due to this and many other issues at my company.

What would you do?
