What determines our keeping our job in the field?
its all outsourced, Mother has no say, itrs the only way to avoid lawsuits.
Look at any other company thats recently gone through layoffs, you'll see that Pres Club/Circle of Excell (or what ever you want to call it) folks get canned along with the newbies and the bottom 10%.
Keep as many oldsters as youngsters, whites vs others, men vs women, high paid vs lower paid. It must look fair to any group/minority out there.
Or simply get rid of one entire sales force (for example CV, Diab., Resp)and spread who ever is left around.
Don't kid yourself, this is reality. Your DM/RD/AVP or whatever they're called, will have no say - heck even they are on the chopping block.
Reps are placed into buckets at the end of each year. PPG grids determine which bucket you are in. PPG grids are made up from 60% Business, 20% TV and 20% competency. Obviously everyone in your same port district will have the same Business and TV score. Comes down to the copmetency score then. Also, compare your port district rank vs the other port district you work with. Need to score better than them obviously. Also, you can check out your performance on the "Rep Scorecard" which is updated for this year. Its on Communication central". I think 2010 and 2011 will be considered as markers for keeping reps for mayb a 1Q 2012 sales force reduction. Now if the TRA is about to be approved, I think jobs should be OK. Other things to consider is the new Port 3 sales reps that are piloted in certain areas. Hope my thoughts help. I am probably wrong.
the outsourced companies that actually "do" the layoff never see your scorecards.
Its " X " number of bodies/territory, territories may get bigger, then look at oldsters w/ high bases, balance with an equal or greater number of youngsters. Calculate the difference between severance package to be paid - SP legacy pkgs are bigger than Mother's so overall its better to keep the SP Legacy and get rid of highly paid Merkies until SP severance pkg expires. These are the things they look at NOT rep score cards.
Get a grip folks......
Wouldn't it be better if did a "raise your hand" and granted all requests to leave? Then all motivated to stay would be happy, and all desiring to leave with a severance would get their wish as well. Seems unfair that reps have no say in all of this. But then what does Merck care about that!
What determines our keeping our job in the field?
I'll share my experience here, former SP, let go last year in 1st post merger downsizing.
As an "older" employee, I received in my severance pkg a list of those severed/not severed, indicating what their tenure w/ the company was (combined Sp and Mrk time) and their AGE.
In looking closely, it was clear that there was a very obvious balance between newies and old timers let go.
It was all done as to preclude any lawsuits from EEO attorneys.
Thate why they use the outsourced companies to do this, their hands are clean.
There are no subjective items taken into account, its all objective.
So score cards, past awards, tenure, do not come into play.
The decisions to jettison folks is all done "fairly" - and off site.
If older with a higher salary you are on a list for future deployment. It will happen to you eventually. Name the employees that make it to 65 besides Dick.
Reps are placed into buckets at the end of each year. PPG grids determine which bucket you are in. PPG grids are made up from 60% Business, 20% TV and 20% competency. Obviously everyone in your same port district will have the same Business and TV score. Comes down to the copmetency score then. Also, compare your port district rank vs the other port district you work with. Need to score better than them obviously. Also, you can check out your performance on the "Rep Scorecard" which is updated for this year. Its on Communication central". I think 2010 and 2011 will be considered as markers for keeping reps for mayb a 1Q 2012 sales force reduction. Now if the TRA is about to be approved, I think jobs should be OK. Other things to consider is the new Port 3 sales reps that are piloted in certain areas. Hope my thoughts help. I am probably wrong.
poster #16, read poster #11 reply - pay attention !! The answers are there for you to see.
No, there were no names on the list which detailed who stayed and who was let go - it was just a list of age, tenure, legacy company and if they were kept or gone.
I do remember an SP 70 yr old who was kept, I'm guessing the severance would have bankrupted the company!
<Do buckets place any weight on what the employee brings? Immediate or future value. Awards, scope and years of experience, education, industry knowledge etc. Not all reps are equal in potential, abilities or broader talents>
None of the above comes into play. There were some very high performing reps in my district, year after year always near the top of the region (top 10) even as our product lineup changed, territories changed they always rose to the top.
Guess what? They are all gone....older, younger, well tenured, just barely tenured, high performers - Gone. Next district over, they kept a bunch of bottom dwelling losers. Success or lack of same had nothing to do with it - when they are making this decisions based on demographics, there is absolutely nothing you can do.
By the way, the severance was great, ditto subsidized COBRA at active employee rates. (Thank you, Fred) Sucks to lose your job, be told you are no longer wanted when you gave your career all you could, day in and day out.