Who runs the Pharma Business

Do you mean, who is responsible for running it into the ground?

Some might argue Perry Sternberg. Though his hatchet woman Kathy has a lot of influence over his actions, like a puppet with her hand shoved way up his...

Of course the buck always stops with the newest empty suit at the top. For this year, that would be Brent Saunders. Another unqualified, friend of a friend, wanna be CEO in a line of useless CEOs that did nothing but suck equity out at the top in the form of golden parachutes and unnecessary egregious compensation packages.

Do you mean, who is responsible for running it into the ground?

Some might argue Perry Sternberg. Though his hatchet woman Kathy has a lot of influence over his actions, like a puppet with her hand shoved way up his...

Of course the buck always stops with the newest empty suit at the top. For this year, that would be Brent Saunders. Another unqualified, friend of a friend, wanna be CEO in a line of useless CEOs that did nothing but suck equity out at the top in the form of golden parachutes and unnecessary egregious compensation packages.

Have they changed management in R&D lately?? Seems like there are different people running the show there.

That would be Beavis, Butthead and their merry band of mingion managers.

Beavis and Butthead are the VPs and the minions ar the Directors. And the minions are a merry bunch indeed. The minions are never accountable for timelines. If projects do not pan out it is a project team members fault not their fault. VP after VP gets replaced but the incompetent minions remain to continue their incompetent ways. Human resources allows them to organize their departments and set up goals and objective so that they are buffered from accountablity.

If the minions were held accountable to making timelines and for meeting goals all of the minions in our company would be out the door along with the many rounds of Beavis and Buttheads that have come and gone over the last few years.