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Who Knew?


Active Member
OK, so I tuned into the star-studded telethon, Hand In Hand, because I'm a sucker for telethons and phoning in a contribution. After all, kudos to anyone, even ne'er-do-well climate crusading entertainment celebrities, who want to raise money in the name of recovery for those who's lives have been immeasurably disrupted.

But, they just couldn't stay on topic. Right out of the chute, the first words of the first entertainer, Stevie Wonder, (who has been one of my op ten favorites since he debuted Finger Tips Part 2) made the show about Global Warming. He said anyone who doesn't believe in global warming is either too blind or un-intelligent. Well, to use his terms, are these people too blind to realize you don't get people to open up their wallets for your cause by insulting them? At that point, I had seen all I cared to see from this punchbowl of stupidity.

And, who knew that Climate Change caused the recent magnitude 8.1 earthquake in Mexico, per the declaration of renowned climatologist, Beyonce? I saw this video clip on one those entertainment shows that follow the local news. I'm sure she's just parroting carbon hucksters like Al Gore and climate expert Jennifer Lawrence, but can't she have enough self-respect to at least do some research prior to making a fool of herself?

For the sake of amusement, could the deluded crusaders of anthropogenic climate change just focus on reality for a moment. According to the National Hurricane Center, the decade with the most major hurricanes (Cat 3, 4, 5) since 1851 has been the 1940s. There were TEN majors in that decade, followed by a fairly steady gradual decline since then.

It took the carbon footprint of over 100 entertainers to raise $44 million. One person, JJ Watt, defensive end for Houston Texans, has raised over $34 million (initial goal was $200K, including his ante of $100K) on his YouCaring page. And, he did it without insulting the intelligence or integrity of anyone.

OK, so I tuned into the star-studded telethon, Hand In Hand, because I'm a sucker for telethons and phoning in a contribution. After all, kudos to anyone, even ne'er-do-well climate crusading entertainment celebrities, who want to raise money in the name of recovery for those who's lives have been immeasurably disrupted.

But, they just couldn't stay on topic. Right out of the chute, the first words of the first entertainer, Stevie Wonder, (who has been one of my op ten favorites since he debuted Finger Tips Part 2) made the show about Global Warming. He said anyone who doesn't believe in global warming is either too blind or un-intelligent. Well, to use his terms, are these people too blind to realize you don't get people to open up their wallets for your cause by insulting them? At that point, I had seen all I cared to see from this punchbowl of stupidity.

And, who knew that Climate Change caused the recent magnitude 8.1 earthquake in Mexico, per the declaration of renowned climatologist, Beyonce? I saw this video clip on one those entertainment shows that follow the local news. I'm sure she's just parroting carbon hucksters like Al Gore and climate expert Jennifer Lawrence, but can't she have enough self-respect to at least do some research prior to making a fool of herself?

For the sake of amusement, could the deluded crusaders of anthropogenic climate change just focus on reality for a moment. According to the National Hurricane Center, the decade with the most major hurricanes (Cat 3, 4, 5) since 1851 has been the 1940s. There were TEN majors in that decade, followed by a fairly steady gradual decline since then.

It took the carbon footprint of over 100 entertainers to raise $44 million. One person, JJ Watt, defensive end for Houston Texans, has raised over $34 million (initial goal was $200K, including his ante of $100K) on his YouCaring page. And, he did it without insulting the intelligence or integrity of anyone.

Excellent post although You done done it now!

The climate change dupes don't like to be confronted with the facts which destroy their hysterical meme.

The 40s were bad. The 60s were bad.

The plain truth is that there is a cycle to hurricane activity that has existed since we've been keeping records and today the number or intensity of hurricanes has not increased. That's just a fact despite the climate change alarmists assertions.

We've had a quiet decade since Katrina. It was to be expected that we would start getting hit by some significant storms.

I encourage anyone who wants the scientific and historical facts to check out Joe Bastardi on Weather Bell. He destroys all of this global warming nonsense with scientific facts. There is NO significant anthropogenic climate change based upon the data we currently possess!

OK, so I tuned into the star-studded telethon, Hand In Hand, because I'm a sucker for telethons and phoning in a contribution. After all, kudos to anyone, even ne'er-do-well climate crusading entertainment celebrities, who want to raise money in the name of recovery for those who's lives have been immeasurably disrupted.

But, they just couldn't stay on topic. Right out of the chute, the first words of the first entertainer, Stevie Wonder, (who has been one of my op ten favorites since he debuted Finger Tips Part 2) made the show about Global Warming. He said anyone who doesn't believe in global warming is either too blind or un-intelligent. Well, to use his terms, are these people too blind to realize you don't get people to open up their wallets for your cause by insulting them? At that point, I had seen all I cared to see from this punchbowl of stupidity.

And, who knew that Climate Change caused the recent magnitude 8.1 earthquake in Mexico, per the declaration of renowned climatologist, Beyonce? I saw this video clip on one those entertainment shows that follow the local news. I'm sure she's just parroting carbon hucksters like Al Gore and climate expert Jennifer Lawrence, but can't she have enough self-respect to at least do some research prior to making a fool of herself?

For the sake of amusement, could the deluded crusaders of anthropogenic climate change just focus on reality for a moment. According to the National Hurricane Center, the decade with the most major hurricanes (Cat 3, 4, 5) since 1851 has been the 1940s. There were TEN majors in that decade, followed by a fairly steady gradual decline since

It took the carbon footprint of over 100 entertainers to raise $44 million. One person, JJ Watt, defensive end for Houston Texans, has raised over $34 million (initial goal was $200K, including his ante of $100K) on his YouCaring page. And, he did it without insulting the intelligence or integrity of anyone.

Hey guys. I will take the word from 98% of the worlds scientists than that of Wonder, Lawrence or you two boneheads about Man Made Global Warming.

Hey guys. I will take the word from 98% of the worlds scientists than that of Wonder, Lawrence or you two boneheads about Man Made Global Warming.
Ha! What a dipshit you are. You can't even get the 98% thing correct without exaggerating it. Why would anyone take you seriously? The 98% is only of those scientists that publish on the topic, and yes, we have seen how they like to cook the books on their pseudo science. Remember the hockey stick, and the hidden emails?

What I referred you to was FACTS, not opinion. HISTORY, not goofy self-serving projections. Read the FACTS or forever be a duped moron you convincingly demonstrate yourself to be. BTW, you and Beyonce make a fabulous intellectual couple.

Ha! What a dipshit you are. You can't even get the 98% thing correct without exaggerating it. Why would anyone take you seriously? The 98% is only of those scientists that publish on the topic, and yes, we have seen how they like to cook the books on their pseudo science. Remember the hockey stick, and the hidden emails?

What I referred you to was FACTS, not opinion. HISTORY, not goofy self-serving projections. Read the FACTS or forever be a duped moron you convincingly demonstrate yourself to be. BTW, you and Beyonce make a fabulous intellectual couple.
And you have a PHD? Think this is cafepharma the site for current and retired pharma reps. Sorry most with business degrees which are scientifically worthless and honestly although I am one of you I consider entire class to be pretty uneducated and stupid

And you have a PHD? Think this is cafepharma the site for current and retired pharma reps. Sorry most with business degrees which are scientifically worthless and honestly although I am one of you I consider entire class to be pretty uneducated and stupid
I do indeed have PharmD, which I trust makes me a bit more qualified to evaluate data than scientifically worthless (your term) morons like yourself. Make no mistake about it, you are NOT one of me. Did you not learn to think critically? Did you not learn to balance facts? I know the answer to both those questions: NO. My take is that you are one of those who coasted through a diploma mill that was more interested in collecting your tuition than what you learned. Now run along, stooge, Doc Who needs a playmate.

Ha! What a dipshit you are. You can't even get the 98% thing correct without exaggerating it. Why would anyone take you seriously? The 98% is only of those scientists that publish on the topic, and yes, we have seen how they like to cook the books on their pseudo science. Remember the hockey stick, and the hidden emails?

What I referred you to was FACTS, not opinion. HISTORY, not goofy self-serving projections. Read the FACTS or forever be a duped moron you convincingly demonstrate yourself to be. BTW, you and Beyonce make a fabulous intellectual couple.
I have read the FACTS and HISTORY and they R not in your favor. Again 98% of the world scientists know that humans R causing Global Warming.
The Artic core samples show that the Earth have gone through this before. The core samples also show that we R warming faster than ever before in Earths past.

Mickey, get your head out of your A$$ and look what is going on around our planet.
U post about cooking the books and yes U R right. The coal and gas companies have been cooking the books just like the tabaco co. have.

I have read the FACTS and HISTORY and they R not in your favor. Again 98% of the world scientists know that humans R causing Global Warming.
The Artic core samples show that the Earth have gone through this before. The core samples also show that we R warming faster than ever before in Earths past.

Mickey, get your head out of your A$$ and look what is going on around our planet.
U post about cooking the books and yes U R right. The coal and gas companies have been cooking the books just like the tabaco co. have.
So, everyone is cooking the books...except the National Hurricane Center. They were reporting FACTS that were well established long before the ruse of APG was ever conceived by your crooked dieties in the climate hoax.

Weather changes, and it always has. I'll believe the APG bullshit when the celebrities and hucksters start shunning their massive carbon footprints.

I do indeed have PharmD, which I trust makes me a bit more qualified to evaluate data than scientifically worthless (your term) morons like yourself. Make no mistake about it, you are NOT one of me. Did you not learn to think critically? Did you not learn to balance facts? I know the answer to both those questions: NO. My take is that you are one of those who coasted through a diploma mill that was more interested in collecting your tuition than what you learned. Now run along, stooge, Doc Who needs a playmate.
Believe it or not I do have a PhD. A pharm D requires memorizing facts/not critical thinking

And you have a PHD? Think this is cafepharma the site for current and retired pharma reps. Sorry most with business degrees which are scientifically worthless and honestly although I am one of you I consider entire class to be pretty uneducated and stupid

Well, if you were representative, then you would be correct! :D

You've also foolishly fallen for the "expert" fallacy. If the experts can't convince the average layperson on the strength of their argument then that's a key clue that something is wrong.

Well, if you were representative, then you would be correct! :D

You've also foolishly fallen for the "expert" fallacy. If the experts can't convince the average layperson on the strength of their argument then that's a key clue that something is wrong.

Food fight on Aisle 10 !!! :cool:

Where did you pull that figure, out of your ass? How did you do that with your head lodged in there Gomer?

Yeah they love to trot out the lie that 98% believe in climate change.

Even if it were true, was Galileo correct when he was alone or was everybody else correct.

I'm not impressed by a bunch of coin operated climate scientists who act out of political motivation and greed for money instead of going where the data and logical analysis lead.

Yeah they love to trot out the lie that 98% believe in climate change.

Even if it were true, was Galileo correct when he was alone or was everybody else correct.

I'm not impressed by a bunch of coin operated climate scientists who act out of political motivation and greed for money instead of going where the data and logical analysis lead.
We have been down this road before.
The elimination of lead from gasoline is a paradigmatic triumph of American environmentalism. A danger to health was discovered by scientists. Public-health advocates and greens pushed and pushed for decades, often futilely, to get the government to take action. When EPA finally cranked up efforts to do something about it, the agency was viciously attacked. Industry shills said it was an agenda to control Americans’ lives, driven by scientists who wanted research money and a cabal of extreme environmentalists. They said there were no viable alternatives to lead and the regulations would raise gas prices and destroy the economy. They paid their own scientists to produce counter-evidence. They flooded politicians with money. Over time, EPA weathered the assault and put standards into place — a “phasedown” program in 1973, followed by stronger standards. Get it? U will not.

Ha! What a dipshit you are. You can't even get the 98% thing correct without exaggerating it. Why would anyone take you seriously? The 98% is only of those scientists that publish on the topic, and yes, we have seen how they like to cook the books on their pseudo science. Remember the hockey stick, and the hidden emails?

What I referred you to was FACTS, not opinion. HISTORY, not goofy self-serving projections. Read the FACTS or forever be a duped moron you convincingly demonstrate yourself to be. BTW, you and Beyonce make a fabulous intellectual couple.
Here R some facts and history: CfCs and the hole in the Ozone.