Spill it everyone
anonymous Guest anonymous   Mar 27, 2023 at 09:27: PM #2 anonymous Guest Not close. MP. The little dandruff peanut butter eating abusive troll in marketing. Horrible human being. 7 people have left under her. Only one that stays is the obvious one.
Not close. MP. The little dandruff peanut butter eating abusive troll in marketing. Horrible human being. 7 people have left under her. Only one that stays is the obvious one.
anonymous Guest anonymous   Mar 30, 2023 at 09:46: AM #3 anonymous Guest Nick - hands down. He has to have naked pictures of Ketan, because he has done zippy do da in years
anonymous Guest anonymous   Jun 16, 2023 at 04:50: PM #4 anonymous Guest I heard that nasty troll in marketing finally left. Nasty woman. How she got another marketing role is beyond me. Horrible human being
I heard that nasty troll in marketing finally left. Nasty woman. How she got another marketing role is beyond me. Horrible human being