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Who is the biggest Karen at Amgen?


White females are the next target of the radical left - they have milked the false narrative of white males for long enough, time to go after too successful white females - They want handouts and to not have to earn anything, so the radical liberals try to tear others down instead of building themselves up. This has been their playbook for decades.

They probably only exist on Youtube, next to the cat videos and TidePod Challenge. Too many people think Youtube is the real world. Although there was this one woman on an airplane who demanded I trade my aisle seat for her middle seat. Other than her, men do this just as much as women.
The most common Karen-like behavior in the real world is to claim things like "you only said that because I'm black !"

Let's just face the facts here:
it's pretty stupid and clearly unwarranted to demonize everyone who has the name "Karen", because the meme-generators were too cowardly to say who they really mean with this generalization.
At my company, one of the nicest people we have is named Karen. I don't know her political beliefs, but I really hope she is not damaged by this leftist anti-"Karen" bullshit. This type of demonizing propaganda can only serve to harm our society, which is probably the real goal of the "burn it down" criminals.